Honestly, from my experience having mixed family, when I see Black folks have slanted eyes and other certain facial features there's a high chance they got some Asian ancestry somewhere. I know there are some tribes out in the Southern region of Africa who have the same features, but again, the chances are much more likely they got it from somewhere else. We're talking a race of billions of people with distinct facial features. There are big chances those with similar features got it from there somewhere in their lineage.
I look at someone like Brandy in addition to her mother and I'm 99% sure she's some kind of Asian. From what I've seen, it's likely she's Filipino.
Additionally people from Madagascar are legit Asian genetically as that island has legit links to Southeast Asia. See Malagasy and Merina people. They're legit a country of Black and Asians mixed population. So folks like the Wayans Brothers and Muhammad Ali who's families are from Madagascar most likely got Asian genes.
The exact same goes for a lot of White folks. In fact, especially White folks with slanted eyes because of the interactions between Asia and Europe for centuries. Eastern Europe, Norway, Sweden, Ireland and Finland in particular. The Sami people in those regions of Northern Europe and the Vikings bringing back Native Americans (who are basically Asians) has a lot to do with that. Additionally a massive amount of Eastern Europe/Middle East are descendants of Genghis Khan/Khan Empire/Mongols. When I saw her eye shape and heard Sydney Sweeney is Irish/Norwegian/Czech, that makes sense. If anybody did a DNA service they can probably see how many White folks have Asian ancestry, it's a ton and they look 100% Blonde Hair/Blue Eyes. Additionally a lot of White folks are actually part Pacific Islander, especially if they're from Oceania. Mixed Samoans and Euronesians look straight up White and get confused for being pure White all the time. Zach Wilson on the Broncos is a great example of this. All but one of these people are Native Hawaiian genetically:

Explaining how mixed Oceania/The Pacific Islands is:
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