I can see the issue with milk but onions? Beans? Eggs? That stuff lasts plenty long to export. American egg exports alone are a $100+ million/year industry. Think if just, at bare minimum, we shipped to places facing serious malnutrition in Caribbean/Latin America. Haiti. Guatemala. Ecuador. etc. It wouldn't be permanent but it wouldn't be a one-off either since lowered demand is going to be an issue for a while yet. Meanwhile, the most vulnerable people in a lot of poor countries are even more vulnerable right now due to the lack of work day laborers are dealing with. If we, as a nation, actually cared about food waste or other people's health then we could move that shyt.Man, it says they’ve donated what they can and can’t really export it. It’s perishable food. So unless you expect them to track down individual households and mail shyt out - not happening ever, and not in the midst of an infrastructure stressed by a pandemic - not sure what else they can do.
this type of food waste happens in households nationwide as well. Double edge sword, you want to eat fresh foods, but if you don’t get to them in time, they go bad.
And you talk about infrastructure "stressed by a pandemic", but the ports and the ships are still operating and shipping actually has less strain than usual due to lack of demand. I got a friend who works in longshoreman management (don't know what you call the job but he manages longshoremen) and he still goes to work, but only when a ship is coming in which is way less than before. The truckers are still driving their routes so long as they have product to move, and there's probably a lot of trucking and shipping companies who would love some government-funded business right now.