Everyday we're out here making

I'll be sitting here watching because the coli made the term Ducktales something completely new to me in the year 2013...
I agree that the animation will take some adjustment but the tone seems right. What's with all anmiation being so simplified?
@IllustratorMike can speak more to this but I've been told simplified styles make for quicker and swifter movement
Launchpad McQuack was f'n gag. All I need is some Flintheart Glomgold and Goldie and I'm with this. Hate that they used famous actors for this though. You didn't need it at all.
I don't like the animation/graphics.
I agree that the animation will take some adjustment but the tone seems right. What's with all anmiation being so simplified?
@IllustratorMike can speak more to this but I've been told simplified styles make for quicker and swifter movement
Not to mention "cost-effective"@IllustratorMike can speak more to this but I've been told simplified styles make for quicker and swifter movement
The animation seems kinda dull. Not eye-poping at all. I was expecting more color rich and full of life.