When you have a society that sues to get juvenile records of a dead child to justify his cold-blooded murder because he was black......
WHen you have a society that uses codespeak like MAN to a 14 year old boy to jusifty his murder because he was black.....
When you have a fukking cop walking free after being found not guilty by his peers after shooting a 10 year old girl in her bed sleeping because she was black....
When you have a black boy found rolled up in a gym mat with his organs missing but being declared a suicide by the white coroners
When 95 percent of black males are unemployed in some cities...
When the white media is trying to rationalized and make excuses for a bonafide, card-carrying racist white-supremacist terrorist shoots up a church of elderly ladies
....I just cannot see HOW a black man can be all smiling, cheesing, and nonchalant today, and ready to smoke another black man for just looking at him wrong.
I think being angry is just being fukking normal.