Nah....yall can hate all y'all want but Cena did too much for WWE. Y'all won't appreciate it until he's gone completely.
shyt just look how flat and bland everything is now that he's not there. It's not that he sucks it's that we got too much of him
It's not even that we hate dude... okay, I do a little but it's gimmick hate more than anything.
It's that Cena's Main Event push, despite it coming about because Brock left, was the last time that they got behind a push that was Organic from the start. They had Cena test the waters as a Main Eventer in 03, had him do dirt in the Midcard where he got super over after realizing he wasn't ready yet, then finally struck when the iron was hot at Mania 21.
But immediately after? They did to him what they're doing to Reigns. They stripped away everything that made Cena who he was little by little except the ring gear and music, had him going up against more established, more beloved wrestlers that exposed a lot of his shortcomings in the ring and (thanks to them watering down his promos at the time) on the mic, tried backtracking to re garner sympathy like a year later and it backfired in record time.
Only difference is where they halfway book with Reigns and get cold feet if they don't get the reaction they want? They stuck with Cena, for better or worse. Dude was front and center with a World Title, even if it was the wrong decision at the time.