To be honest, people underestimate weight advantage a lot when these hypotheticals come up, but there's a damn good reason you are penalized so much for not making weight in combat sports. It's really difficult to overcome mass, especially someone athletic with weight on you. Need a lot less room to do damage. Even if you get a potential submission hold, having a bigger person's weight bearing down on you can blow your cardio to shyt.
I'm not saying Drew would win, but... honestly I wouldn't count him out. Dude is legitimately strong, but worse: he's Scottish. fukkers are part-celt, part-viking and I've never met a single one of them that wasn't some shade of batshyt. They're also generally the ones with the shyts, even if outmatched.
I'd watch that fight
Talmbout fighting in a bar and getting more eyes on WWE during a pandemic where people are told to distance themselves from each other, and also during WWE doing some of the worst work they've ever done may not be the way you'd want to approach the situation, though, Drew... just sayin. All this comment did was remind people that UFC and WWE are both still running ultimately trash products during a time where the promoter-in-charge should be caring about the people they employ more than trying to capitalize off them.
Man... Florida. Just... just Florida, I swear.