I think if he tries that Kenny will outsell him easily because that will embolden people to play Kenny's album even more to boost the numbers. He doesn't understand the general public is literally TIRED of him.
True. But you're missing he's been the golden child everybody's needed a decade+, sold more than everybody, called himself a god for almost a decade and folks followed behind, one of the richest deals in music history whether he's gonna die touring or not, got girls feeding him girls, and even when damaged the industry still needs what's left to try and lift numbers. You didn't think it was over did you lol
Make no mistake it's one of the biggest Ls, it's just gonna take more than one summer to get rid of all the above. He was exposed and vulnerable 100% but only the armor got broken. He's still walking around bc real pedo links still aren't there yet at least publicly. Even though 2 + 2 = 4 none of it holds up
YBY numbers have been down for years but we can't say everyone's tired without a follow up from him. If it's lower than FATD even with a boost from the L and people digging for any kind of subs yeah officially ring the alarm on him. But I definitely expect at least a EP from him on Kendrick's release, not a full album so nobody can say Kendrick's album outsold and nothing with Kendrick by name, but something with plenty of subs so Kendrick doesn't get time by himself until the album