Lol. You claim that I’m a liar and I listen to drake…
Then claim it doesn’t matter if I don’t listen to drake because he still has fans.
Then you start telling me about how you can’t wait to listen to drake on your vacation.
You on some weird type of time
I don’t think reading is really a strong suit of yours.
I’m saying in the end, the only thing that matters is the music. All this other chatty stuff is for bird gossip. Most everyone will be listening to a new Drake song/album whenever it comes out like they always do
So this topic of “Drake is done!!” is silly cause in the end the vast majority of people only care about if the song sounds great
And yeah it’s mostly likely a lie that grown men around you don’t listen to Drake as he’s the biggest Hip Hop artist for the last decade
If so, then probably time for you to meet more and talk to more than 2 grown men in your life