future caucasian alert
future caucasian alert
LMAO wtf does that even mean?
But nah bruh...you're just some white suburban kid who thinks its funny to troll and pretend to be black to bait racial arguments....there are a bunch of you here.
Wanna know how I know?
Because I know a lot of people, I have a big fam and I've never met a single black man that cares about race to THAT degree. I mean, Drake is half white and has a white baby momma....so the kid is white, big deal. It wasn't a surprise, but for some reason it bothers you.
You think about race to the point where it consumes your life, and find ways to inject it in every conversation to give off the illusion of being "pro-black". Anytime I see someone being so overtly militant I assume they are weird white teenagers. Hence....
Ya'll are weirdos.

And responding with something even more militant or calling me a cac will just reinforce what I already think about you.