Drake really do not understand how he further harmed himself in the Black community

I don't think he cares about community shyt and to be fair I can't think of many full 100% black ones that do either lol so can't really put that on him. This was just the best genre he could reasonably Jew into, it's just business. He's not a great actor so it's not like there was legs after the teen drama, can't carry a note besides the sing song shyt, and he can't fake it til he makes it with Latin music like with the Patois lol
The docs told you what he cares about and the reason, "economic harm". Y'all aren't worshipping him anymore, he ain't "6god" to y'all anymore, all his features & loosies flopped. You got weirdos like
@23Barrettcity @iliketurtles @Lil Bape the PostGod and r/Drizzy still going on with the act but this is confirmation his business is damaged, otherwise you don't go this far if shyt wasn't already in ashes. Proof he and his team still don't know how to recover and move on, and his ego won't let him. He knows he lost court of public opinion now he's playing court games