Drake is only a Pop act depending on which narrative is convenient. When he's successful, he's a Pop artist. When he's called out or dissed by other rappers, he's supposed to be an MC expected to reply. Nobody cared to hear responses from so called "Pop" stars when Eminem made a career out of dissing them or when Kanye dissed Taylor Swift. The Booth funny.
This is horseshyt.
Drake postures and poses as an MC. He shyt talks like an MC. He engages in beefs like an MC would. He speaks the classic MC language. When he's practicing as an MC and then gets called out on his bonafides as an MC (writing, not responding), it's fair.
The issue, as it is with most acts, is his fans and their cognitive dissonance about what Drake is as it relates to conventional understandings in hip hop. He's a popular act, and that's ok. It as if his fans see it as an affront to acknowledge that. They seem insecure in the idea that they closely resemble Swifty's or the Bey-hive. It's fine. There will always be a significant segment of the hip hop element that doesn't appreciate him in that way.
Drake has trancsendent from the idea of being respectable in hardcore hip hop circles. It's time for his fans to do the same.