Hanging em up
Why are y’all projecting so much in these drake threads? Do you like it? You asking us to put antics aside, beef aside, general dislike aside nikka your bytch ass is asking for too much… it’s trash “by choice” as you would say! The Man in this song talking about telling on another man to tarnish his legacy and ovens in kitchens and you got the nerve to ask some dumb shyt like this.Antics aside, Kendrick beef aside, general dislike aside. Why are people acting like this "freestyle" is the worst thing ever? After listening to it (once),
I thought it was solid, not inventing the wheel or anything but he's doing what he always does over these type of beats. And that is rapping.
Monotonous, sure. Same flow as before, sure. By choice though? Mos def.
I get that disliking this guy is in fashion right now but we cant act like this is some Vanilla Ice rappin going on here.