You out of all people? A drake stan, trying to talk about being obsessed?

You have literally been acting like a little bytch for months for a pedophile who likes little girls. Let that sink in. You trying to get choose or something?
Now show me how I've been a obsessed for months.
Once again, where? Your random ass acting like I wasn't one of the few hyping Mr Morale up months after release. I've never shied away from being a Kendrick stan also.
This is the second time you're tryna deflect and do all of this with no proof.
Your posting history is public - do you want a screenshot? I'm completely fine saying Drake lost this, I'm not in Kendrick threads hating, I'm not in Drake threads tryna dikkride, post proof of me "acting like a little bytch"
If anything, as a "Drake Stan" I've been pretty consistent and open on my stance. The only thing I've done is go back and forth with random ass accounts that have been doing nothing but post in every Drake thread to reference Kendrick or every Kendrick thread to reference Drake.
Once again, second time I'm asking. Provide proof of me dikkriding. you tryna do so much for a day or two lmao.