the random encounters really come close to some GTA-level fukkery.
Went from the main town back to Melve on foot & got a little too confident with my skills (we not gonna talk about us running from a griffin after my pawn got ohko). Explored a few caves on the way, killed some slimes and bandits…so decided I didn’t need the last few camp cause we barely getting hit, squad has hands and healing, we good!
Well…almost got slept ambushed by a bunch of goblins & hobgoblins. Our archer pawn got stun-locked and killed quickly so we run off to the side for more space but aggro saurians. Revive the downed pawns and get the mob cleared, sitting in the healing spell thinking about which direction I was trying to go in and realize it’s starting to turn to night and uh…get charged by a minotaur

Pawns already had low health from the fight before so they all died…I had to abandon the boys

They go back to the rift (and had all my potions), health bar red, and the nearest camp is a light trek. Get there but…one of the now dead pawns had my camping supplies so I can’t even make camp

I look for the nearest rift stone and its far, I have a wake stone for fast travel back to town but don’t want to use it. Decide to take the chance and run back to the rift stone in the middle of the night solo. Run into a random pawn on the road, nice!
…oh won’t join if my main pawn isn’t around
Fight a pack of goblins, survive but see an ox cart in the road glowing…wait it’s a ghost cart?
Oh great it’s actually a group of skeletons
I try to fight but it’s 5 vs 1 with red health…and I’m getting pieced up so I’m pausing to heal with the random stuff I picked off the goblins. Decide to run again and barely make it to the rift stone. Oh, can’t use it cause I’m in combat…but thankfully this stone was by a watch tower. Decided to embrace my bytchassery and run into the tower knowing there’s at least a few guards in there. Thankfully they help me fight them and survive to use to damn rift stone/make camp
