The return of Frieza, I'm interested in this simply on the fact on what they gonna do with him. I like to think we really hadn't seen Frieza go all out during his original run. Lets think about it:
During the battle on Namek Frieza was forced to go 100% which up to that point he rarely had to do. Even then he was just toying with the Z-Fighters. If we learn anything from Cooler is that there is another form that Frieza could transform into like Cooler did that allowed him to go toe to toe wirh a super saiyan.
Plus what side will the God of Destruction roll with. Frieza may respect Bills but I doubt he will be a servant of him and try to take his spot as the new God if Destruction.
I just hope that there is a lost red ribbon army android that accidently get activated... the soul of Dr. Gero won't die