Dragon Ball Z movie 2015 FRIEEZA BACK!(edit Oct 9 2015: english dub out)

Erik Killmonger

Apr 29, 2014
:lupe:its looking lit, major spoilers regarding the manga.. click if you wanna read it, dont if u wanna keep the suspense
The scene opens on a flashback to Namek, as Goku delivers his “I am the Super Saiyan” speech. Mecha Freeza winces in indignation and disgust. The scene changes to Trunks, who declares that Freeza has made a miscalculation… because there is another Super Saiyan standing in front of him. Freeza mutters “Super Saiyan” to himself, as he recalls being first rent in twain on Namek, then being sliced, diced, and incinerated on Earth.

Mecha Freeza awakens with a start, a look of fear quickly replaced by an expression of annoyance as he finds himself in Hell, in a pod suspended from a tree. All around him, cute critters make an incessant, infernal racket.

The scene shifts to outer space, where on one of Freeza’s ships, Sorbet receives a report that the rebellion by the native inhabitants of Planet 448 is too fierce to contain. He orders reinforcements, but is told that other forces are already occupied with fights on other planets, so only a few can be sent. Cursing through gritted teeth, he orders a retreat.

Sorbet stomps away and plops down into the commanders chair. He activates his scouter, asking if any other planets with Namekian survivors have been found. However, none have, in spite of their many spy cameras. In that case, says Sorbet, they’ll just have to go to Earth, after all. He orders Tagoma, who is standing nearby, to ready a ship for two: the two of them will be going together. Tagoma is surprised that Sorbet himself will be going. “Of course I am,” Sorbet retorts, “because Lord Freeza will be coming back to life!”

On Earth, Gohan and Videl are showing off a baby Pan to Piccolo, when suddenly the sky goes dark; Piccolo immediately surmises that Shenlong has been summoned. Elsewhere, Tenshinhan and Chiaotzu pause their farmwork, and Kuririn stops in the middle of writing up a punk on a motorcycle to wonder if Pilaf & co. are up to something.

Shenlong has indeed been summoned, and before him stand Sorbet, Tagoma, and the Pilaf trio (who are still children). Shenlong tells them to state their desire, for he will grant any wish. Pilaf invites Sorbet to do so, while Mai (under her breath) questions the wisdom of letting them have a wish with the Dragon Balls they worked so hard to collect. Pilaf shoots back that they have no choice, and to keep quiet.

Sorbet shouts for the Dragon to resurrect Lord Freeza, but Shenlong remains silent. Sorbet asks what’s wrong: he can grant any wish, right? The Dragon says that it is indeed possible, but that person’s mortal body was cut into pieces quite a long time ago, and cannot be brought back to life. It would be meaningless for his soul to return to it as-is.

Sorbet is briefly troubled by this news, but Tagoma suggests the recovery chambers currently used by their forces might be able to revive him. His concerns allayed, Sorbet shouts, “Hey! I don’t care if he’s in pieces, just revive him already!” The Dragon is displeased with his high-and-mighty demeanor, but since he has no choice, he does as he is bidden. Shenlong’s eyes glow….

Freeza suddenly vanishes from his pod in Hell… and reappears in chunks, which land before Sorbet. Where am I…? wonders Freeza, as Piccolo and Gohan sense a familiar Ki. Freeza briefly tries to pull himself together, before falling to pieces once more. These are… the senses of a living body… If nothing else, this isn’t Hell. The Pilaf trio recoil at the pieces of Freeza, then go into full-on freakout-mode when one of his eyes looks at them. Sorbet picks up a piece, and sneers. “Just as expected of Lord Freeza… with this life-force and the technology we have now, we can absolutely regenerate him!”

Their ship takes off, leaving Pilaf, Shuu and Mai in the dust. With the pieces of Freeza twitching in some sort of containment vessel in back, Tagoma airs his concerns about bringing back Freeza: he was a dictator, after all. Sorbet scoffs, and says they had no choice: as soon as Lord Freeza and the others were defeated, both the inner and outer ranks of his forces fell into a shambles. They have no choice but to let Freeza reorganize them. Tagoma wonders if he really possesses that sort of ability, prompting a shocked Sorbet to tell him to watch what he says. “That is the evil overlord Freeza! If his regeneration goes well, it will be all right! And besides, there’s no need to go pick an unnecessary fight against that Saiyan. After all, our goal is simply the rebuilding of his forces….” With that, the ship disappears into space.

Back on Earth, Gohan senses the Ki suddenly vanish, and wonders what that was all about. Piccolo has a bad feeling about this….

Off in space, in the confines of his recovery chamber, Freeza is dreaming… reliving a nightmare. I am… the mightiest in the universe…. That’s why… that’s why you have to… die by my hands…!!! Sorbet, Tagoma, and other soldiers are watching over Freeza’s restless slumber. Mine…

In dreams, Freeza relives his last moments on Namek, and his last desperate blast against a Super Saiyan Goku. With a shout of “You fool!!!” Freeza is obliterated once more…

Suddenly, Freeza awakens with a look of rage. The ship trembles, and all scouters break except for Tagoma’s and Sorbet’s. The glass of Freeza’s recovery chamber cracks, then shatters, spraying fluid on those present. Out steps Freeza in his first form, looking thoroughly unamused. He cracks his neck and sighs, surveying the room. Hesitantly, Sorbet addresses him: “W- welcome back, Lord Freeza!” Freeza eyes him. “Hm? And you are…?” Sorbet introduces himself as a former staff officer in the Third Sector. Freeza at last seems to recognize him, saying he does recall having seen him, just a bit. However, he seems amused that Sorbet is leading his forces in his place. But at any rate, he appears to have come back to life…! Sorbet explains that they have done so with a combination of the Dragon Balls and the latest-type recovery chamber; Freeza recognizes these as the mysterious orbs the Namekians had.

Tagoma interjects to say that he also had a hand in reviving Freeza, and Sorbet hastily explains that Tagoma is an excellent warrior, on-par with even the late Zarbon and Dodoria. Freeza congratulates him offhandedly, then points a finger… and kills one of his soldiers with a single energy blast. “My skills really have lapsed a bit,” he grouses, as the others look on in shock. “My revenge might take a bit of time.” Sorbet is taken aback. “R- revenge?”

“Of course,” says Freeza. “After all, I will not be satisfied until I have obliterated those two Super Saiyans who did this to me.” Tagoma protests: “This is merely a suggestion, but wouldn’t it be more prudent to simply ignore them? More importantly, like before…” At this, Freeza fires a second energy blast straight at Tagoma’s chest, sending him flying through the viewport and causing the compartment to rapidly depressurize. A second soldier is sucked into space while another hangs on to the hull for dear life, as Sorbet hastily orders the shields raised.

As the other soldiers recover their bearings and help one of their own back inside, Freeza lectures them about how his forces have become quite weak while he was away. How can they, Freeza’s mighty forces in the universe, do their work while trembling in fear of a paltry few Saiyans? Sorbet tries to warn him off, saying that the Saiyan named Son Goku became even more powerful than that. This, however, amuses Freeza, who claims it was entirely expected: “I merely have to become stronger than he is.” Sorbet goes on to say that he defeated even Majin Buu… though after that, they have no data. “Majin Buu…” muses Freeza, “Papa told me never to lay a hand on only two people: God of Destruction Beerus, and Majin Buu. That Majin Buu, eh?…” Sorbet nervously agrees. Freeza is not happy: “…That is beyond what I had imagined.”

“However,” smirks the overlord, “isn’t it interesting?” Sorbet asks what he means. “Since I was a born genius, I have never done such a thing as a training, nor have I ever had any need.” At this, he ascends into the air. “I wonder what will happen… if I train, and draw out all my latent potential…”

“You mean… you’ll be able to get stronger?” asks Sorbet hesitantly. “Well, of course,” replies Freeza, “according to my predictions, I will…. If I train in earnest for four months… I should be able to snuff out even that Saiyan in the blink of an eye…” Sorbet and the others are astounded: “What… that much stronger…?” Freeza just grins an evil grin.








The official blog for Dragon Ball Z: Revival of “F” has text of a quick conversation between Goku and Bulma. Goku is excited about Frieza’s new strength while Bulma is not too thrilled by Frieza’s return or Goku’s excitement.

But didn’t the Trunks from the future dice Freeza up into tiny bits?!

They put all the little pieces of his body back together using a whatchamacallit machine, seems like.
And on top of that, since he was defeated by me and Trunks, he’s got a huge grudge, and to win against me, he attacked after gaining the strength to progress/evolve further beyond his four transformations.

Last, but not least is a four page preview in what looks to be Goku and Vegeta being trained by Whis, as well as Beerus awake once again, and Freiza’s return.




May 13, 2013
Capsule Corp
So frieza becomes stronger than goku after 4 months of training:francis:
It kinda makes sense when u think about how it ties into the end of the DBZ series, when Buu came back reincarnated as Uub Goku was so excited about his potential even though he was clearly way stronger than Kid Buu at that point.. maybe because he saw how strong Frieza became in just 4 months so Uub would become even stronger, thats why he left to train with him:lupe:

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Official “Revival of ‘F'” Website Character Profiles

The official website for the upcoming film, Dragon Ball Z: Revival of “F”, updated today with fourteen sets of character profiles for the hero characters.
Story-based confirmations within the profiles include tidbits such as Goku and Vegeta training under Whis, No. 18 being the one responsible for shaving Kuririn’s head as he enters the battle once again, and a reiteration of Gohan being unable to find his dōgi. Yūko Minaguchi will return as Videl (having voiced the character in the 2013 film Battle of Gods, but being unavailable for the on-going Majin Buu arc of Dragon Ball Kai). Shōko Nakagawa, a guest voice from Battle of Gods, will also return to voice the Oracle Fish.

SON GOKU (Masako Nozawa)
A Saiyan raised on Earth, who has protected Earth from numerous mighty foes. He likes fighting against strong opponents, and the stronger the opponent, the more excited he gets. After the battle with God of Destruction Beerus, he is now training under Whis in search of even greater strength.

VEGETA (Ryō Horikawa)
This prideful prince of the Saiyans. He was once a cruel warrior of evil, but through his fights with Goku & co., he has come to have a proper heart. He burns with an unyielding desire to best Goku in battle, and now is continuing his training.

SON GOHAN (Masako Nozawa)
Goku’s son, an Earthling/Saiyan hybrid. He has a quiet personality, and his dream has been to become a scholar since he was a small child, but when it comes time to fight, he wields a power even greater than that of pure Saiyans. This time, he can’t find his dōgi, so he joins the fray in his gym clothes.

PICCOLO (Toshio Furukawa)
A Namekian warrior. He was once a Great Demon King, the evil half of Earth’s God. He is also Gohan’s master, who raised him as a warrior. Together with Gohan, he perceives Freeza’s kiright away, and engages Freeza & co. in battle.

KURIRIN (Mayumi Tanaka)
The strongest Earthling warrior, who became a pupil of Kame-Sen’nin’s with Goku, and who has fought together with him in numerous life-or-death battles. Now he patrols the town as a police officer.

TENSHINHAN (Hikaru Midorikawa)
A martial artist formerly of the Crane School, who had aspired to become the world’s best hitman, but had a change of heart after meeting Goku & co. He had continued on a journey of training apart from Goku and the others, but perceiving Freeza’s massively powerful ki, he rushes to the scene.

KAME-SEN’NIN (Masaharu Satō)
A legendary martial artist who was once famous as the Muten Rōshi, and also Goku’s master. Now, he lives a quiet life at Kame House. Having stayed out of the battles for a while, this time he makes his long-awaited return and joins the fight.

BULMA (Hiromi Tsuru)
The very first of Goku’s friends, who he first met in the mountains. She is the scion of Capsule Corporation, and a genius with machines, such as developing the Dragon Radar. She catches wind of Freeza’s revival from a certain character.

VIDEL (Yūko Minaguchi)
The daughter of world champion fighter Mister Satan. She met Gohan in high school, and married him after the fight with Majin Buu. Now she is the mother of a child.

No. 18 (Miki Itō)
An Artificial Human remodeled by the genius scientist Doctor Gero with the goal of killing Goku. After the fight with Cell, she married Kuririn, and lives together with her daughter Marron at Kame House. She shaves the head of Kuririn, who is serious about his first fight in a long time.

BEERUS (Kōichi Yamadera)
The god who governs destruction, keeping the balance of the cosmos. If he should lose his temper, he will destroy the worlds and lives around him. The mightiest being, who not even Goku could beat as a Super Saiyan God. After the fight with Goku, he fell back into a long slumber, but…?

WHIS (Masakazu Morita)
A man of many mysteries, who works in tandem with Beerus. He is also Beerus’ master, the depths of whose power is unknown. After the fight between Goku and Beerus, he trains Goku and Vegeta, who seek even greater strength.

ORACLE FISH (Shōko Nakagawa)
A mysterious fish that gives prophecies. It once prophesized the appearance of a mighty foe to Beerus, which came true through the appearance of Goku as a Super Saiyan God. Has a careless personality, and will forget even its own prophecies.

PILAF, SHUU, MAI (Shigeru Chiba, Tesshō Genda, Eiko Yamada)
Minor villains who plot world domination with the Dragon Balls, but are always stopped by Goku & co. Never learning their lesson, they sought out the Dragon Balls, but they ended up getting used by Freeza’s forces…?

The story for Revival of “F”, opening nationwide in Japan 18 April 2015 in 2D and IMAX 3D, is being crafted by original manga author Akira Toriyama, who stated he is writing it, “…as though it were a continuation of the manga when it was in serialization,” and that while it will, “…of course be a continuation of the previous Battle of Gods,” he has also, “…deliberately increased the amount of action scenes by a good deal.” Tadayoshi Yamamuro, who worked for many years as character designer and animation supervisor on the Dragon Ballfranchise, will serve as the film’s director and animation supervisor. Norihito Sumitomo will return from Battle of Gods and the Majin Buu arc of Dragon Ball Kai for musical composition duties. Momoiro Clover Z will contribute a song alongside Maximum the Hormone, whose “F” will be used as a “battle song” during the film.Revival of “F” is set to bring back Freeza and will also include two new characters (Sorbet and Tagoma), feature Beerus and Whis again from Battle of Gods, and much more.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Bulma Blog : Movie Revival of “F”

With 55 days remaining until the film’s debut, the official blog to promote Dragon Ball Z: Revival of “F” has returned to Bulma’s control. This time around, she invites Gohan to toss in a few thoughts:

Hi there! Bulma here!
There are now 55 days until opening!
Today, Son-kun’s son, Gohan-kun, is here.

Hi, everyone! I’m Son Go—

Hold on a minute, Gohan-kun. What’s with that getup?

Well, when I heard that Freeza was back, I looked for my dōgi in a panic, but I couldn’t find it… all I had was this tracksuit.

Geez~ keep it together, will you?
That relaxed attitude of yours is just like your father’s!

Sorry… but Bulma, we’re in serious trouble!

That’s right! It’s a crisis for the Earth, so do your best and fight, Gohan-kun!

Let’s see… I think I can still become a Super Saiyan…
This time, everyone will have to to turn out in full-force if we want to win against Freeza’s 1000-strong army!
There are 55 days left, so I’ve got to do some serious training!

Fans continue to question Gohan’s ability to and actual showcase of transforming into a Super Saiyan based on the events within the manga leading up to this timeframe. In the 2013 film Battle of Gods, early promotional materials showcased him transforming into a Super Saiyan mid-battle, whereas the final film did away with these effects (though Gohan did transform during the Super Saiyan God ritual). It is unknown whether fan comments toward production staff swayed these decisions, and it remains to be seen what happens in Revival of “F” with regard to Gohan and these transformations.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Today’s 2015 #13 issue of Weekly Shōnen Jump in Japan notes (as the only bit of news for Revival of “F”within the issue) that Freeza’s new “evolution” will be revealed in two weeks within the 2015 #15 issue of the magazine:

In Weekly Jump issue #15, Freeza’s new evolution will be revealed…!?

so freeza's new form will be revealed in two weeks