I see your point unless you been playing consistently since Origins there’s not really a problem but Inquisition has some major plot elements that they’ve left open
I get it. But honestly, I'd rather them leave some of those to be addressed separately as opposed to having to carry all of that into this game, since there's honestly no right answer for most of that stuff. Considering how long they've worked on this, I'd rather them just get a basic story down pat before doubling back to address some of the other unresolved points.
tbh it's just bad business sense
know what would get you a sudden influx of new playtime/purchases of the old games in the series? Having people wanting to replay them so they can carry those decisions into this one.
It would benefit sales from the people buying DA:V first and then buying past iterations to play
It would benefit sales of DA:V as people who have babied their worldstates from previous games want to see the continuation.
Not doing it is dumb. Outright.
But it Bioware's baby, and wouldn't surprise me if this game ended in a way that didn't even hint at a 4th game tbh![]()
Ehh. I think that approach causes more problems than it solves, though. Going back to play those old Dragon Age games beyond Inquisition is ROUGH. Imagine asking someone fresh into the series to play Origins as it is right now.

In a perfect world, the old games would've gotten the Mass Effect Legendary treatment where they were remastered to a point just short of being remakes, but that just wasn't feasible. BioWare is down gigantic when it comes to new games right now, and considering that this has been in some form of development for a decade now, they weren't getting extra money thrown out there to remaster the old games and make them relatable to what the audience playing Veilguard is going to get.