Let us not forget people fell for this fraud for YEARS. Pretty funny how far you can go with that community with pseudo education, a heavy dose of sexism and some homophobia.
These are your heroes lol. Guys with little intellectual or logical merit, making emotional arguments that make you feel better about yourself as a (straight) black man while often denigrating other black people. All while stealing your money (Umar, Watkins especially). Someone could tie this to the rise of #fakenews and the death/doubt of expertise. The black experience has been blessed with many truly great intellectual minds, whose writings or works still resonate today. Baldwin, DuBois, Malcolm X, etc. At one point (before he fell off HARD), Cornell West. Coates today. Michelle Alexander. There's not a dearth of intelligent people writing about the black experience. But for whatever reason, some people prefer charlatans who say "if you follow me, you will achieve xyz." Yeah ok...
This isn't just happening with black men, to be fair. I see Angela Rye out here giving paid speeches to black groups...about what? What does a pundit have to say that is worth paying for, when you could just watch MSNBC and get the basics. There are multiple reports about her being stand offish or not particularly insightful. There's an entire network of people like this. Charlamange too. At least Rye and Charlamange aren't peddling hate like Umar, but still their general perspective is not insightful.
How about less talking and more action. You don't need a (boy's) school to do something. There are plenty of charities and groups doing amazing work right now. You know who impresses me? Colin Kaepernick. Breh is helping groups that actually do good in the community. He isn't doing interviews or chasing ambulances. He's working.