dude missed all his targets to date for opening and building progress. is in danger of loosing the building but it's hate to point that out. ok breh
don't think with your emotions. that response is straight retarded.
Man shut the fukk up. He needs donations, and has received LESS THAN A MILLION in 5 years to open up a school that is in no way funded by the United State’s government. For him being “unapologetically black” HE IS HATED by a multitude of different groups (Wannabe down Cacs, swirlers, and confused gays), and these people SEE that his voice resonates with black people, and they FEAR a rise of these ideas in our community. They therefore dedicate their time to become his detractors.
You got mf’s on this forum making “Vote Biden” threads all their damn day, and really trying to convince black people that allying with white liberals is our best bet. These SAME MF’s are the one’s who HATE this type of black man. They NEVER give any counter reasoning against these types of black people. They ONLY try to “expose” some “dirt” on the person with shyt like “Tariq is selling keychains”, “Boyce is selling financial game”, “Umar is scamming”.
This is the problem with the internet however. It gives CACs and fukkBOYS cover to infiltrate our discussions.