Dr. Cornel West Talks Presidential Run, Mass Incarceration, Servant Leadership + More


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
:stopitslime: Deirect quotes from the man himself. He ran as a Dem for pragmatic reasons.

And, much to the chagrin of Donna Brazile

Grifters absolutely run in established parties. Still doesn't change the fact that running in an established party is the only route for serious candidates, and third party runs are only good for getting clout and money, not votes.
He ran as a Dem because he caucuses with the Dems. That’s about as pragmatic as it gets. Nothing he says goes against what I said.

The sort of ironic thing is that a lot of centrists and moderates true Democrats were upset that Bernie ran as a Democrat even tho he isn’t prt their party.


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
The DNC already said "No Debates" even before Cornel threw his hat in the ring. So while Marianne Williamson and RFK Jr sit on the sidelines after the DNC convention, West can still campaign and attempt to make the general debate stage like Ross Perot did. A bunch of folks in here clearly weren't paying attention to what the DNC did to Bernie in 2016 and 2020.

It needs to be said over and over, Abe Lincoln was a 3rd party candidate.


May 24, 2022
Forbes, playing to their base.

Why Cornel West Is Broke​

Cornel West has been a fixture of American society for more than three decades, publishing books, teaching at Ivy League institutions, commenting on cable news, collaborating on music with Prince—even popping up in sequels to the Matrix. Ubiquity provided liquidity, with West earning an estimated $15 million or so over the last 30 years. But oddly, as he mounts an independent run for president, his net worth resembles that of a first-year adjunct professor. “I live paycheck to paycheck,” says West.

A review of federal filings and property records confirms that West’s net worth is near zero. Other outlets have previously reported on his troubles paying taxes over the years. But no one so far has explained how someone so successful became so broke. With West in position to affect who becomes America’s next president, Forbes set out to answer that question, digging into heaps of legal and tax documents filed in various jurisdictions over six decades. Turns out much of the damage was self-inflicted.

West lived in a Four Seasons condo in Boston, which he later admitted he could not afford, and rode around in a Mercedes or Cadillac. One of his four ex-wives accused West of maintaining a covert apartment in Boston for $5,000 a month to use as a love den. She also alleged that, despite not having any health conditions, he later took a medical leave from his job at Harvard to live a “secret life” with another woman in New Mexico.

In court documents filed in 2002 and 2003, West did not deny burning money on affairs, at least one of which produced a child.


The speeches were lucrative. West’s annual salary at Harvard was around $220,000, but he was able to at least double that amount on the lecture circuit. Over an 18-day stretch in January 1998, for example, West delivered 11 paid speeches, traveling between Alabama, Colorado, Michigan, Illinois, Virginia, Louisiana, North Carolina and Oregon, making between $8,000 and $12,000 at each stop. West described such barnstorming humbly, calling himself a “bluesman singing for his supper.”
But it also led to trouble. In 1998, while on a speaking trip to Ohio, West met a student who was a married mother of two. According to court records, he convinced her to leave her husband and move to Boston, where West was working at Harvard.

The whole article is ill.....