What do you want me to say about republicans? I’m not a republican. Most republicans are racist. That’s not the point. The POINT is that democrats know they can take black people’s votes for granted since we vote democratic like 90% of the time. If they know they have our votes in the bag, they have no incentive to do anything for us.
I’m not saying black people should vote republican. I’m saying we shouldn’t just give our votes away to a democrat just off GP unless they support something that we want. That’s another thing. Black people need to hold these people in office accountable if they don’t keep their promises.
No . Black people need to vote Democrat especially this election . Trump has made it his mission to shyt on Black people. His whole cabinet is full of racists who hate Blacks and they proudly flash white power signs . Same sign the KKK flash.
We're gonna vote Democrat then hold their feet to the fire .
Say what you want I don't see 1 Black Republican congresswoman in Washington . The only Black senator they have is Tim Scott, who's a boot licking c00n .
Stop with the we're giving votes away for free narrative .When we don't vote, we give racist Republicans power. Then we won't even get an appointment to their office to raise our issues. Democrats we can at least hold them accountable . Republicans know they don't need us to win and they try every day to take us out of the equation by suppressing our voting rights.
Stop being ambiguous