Fam... stop.
You have never defeated a european army like the Zulus, you've never decapitated a european general and turned his head into a drinking cup like the Ashantis, you've never collected taxes from a european gov't like the Dahomey, you've never stripped a european army naked and humiliated them like the Kingdom of Kongo.
Stop!!!! No diaspora wars!!!
Continental Africans are the kings of this shyt.
I'm Haitian, and I bow down to Continental Africans.
You think thats what would make you the foremost experts of white supremacy in 2022
You do realize the Zulus lost once they didnt grossly outnumber the European right? Due to superior technology they had. And that was back in the musket era,so what do you think would happen now

Not to mention the Chinese/European didnt even have to come back with the jets,bombs, automatic weapons. They just had to hand off a bag to a few Africans in suits who let the gates open. Who were willing to oppress their own on the Europeans behalf. Thats pretty much what this entire article is about yet you are talking about wars from the 1800's. Might need to update that strategy champ. European using different weapons,or no weapons at all. We have a more vast knowledge of the European based on experience and dealing in modern warfare. Where money is the real king of this shyt

And there is no dispora war,I dont even want to be in America. I would love for Africa to kick out all would be oppressors