Thread Closed...As Usual
This article is
Says a bunch on contradictory stuff and comes to no constructive conclusions
Just tries to debunk parental involvement, at tha end of tha day tha child needs to have a passion to succeed or for tha subject matter itself, otherwise their grades will fall (barring they're a genius)
as far as what you said I wuz top of my class as far as reading, I still sucked at math, time for you to figure out a new "theory" to push buddy
Say man, what the hell!? I wasn't trying to push a theory, and I agree with you that the article is contradictory. I'm sorry you suck at math though, if there's something I can do to help let me know. My guess, and this is just a guess cuz I don't know you, but while you may have been at the top of your class as far as reading goes, your issue was more than likely with comprehension. That's not a knock on you, just what I gather from your response to my statement. Bottom line is reading is the foundation for academic success and that's all I'm saying. Not saying you can't be successful without knowing how to read, but it's definitely a good start.