How bout you learn definitions of words. Why is Greece and China in economic turmoil?!? China artificially propping up their stock market...which is completely different than quantitative easing we did in the U.S.
Capitalism is king! Social welfare programs for the needy and the call for "socialism" is not the same.
"Socialism is economically inefficient as it does not reward entrepreneurs. Instead of rewarding
entrepreneurs for creating wealth, it punishes them by making them pay higher taxes. Socialism can actually lower the living standards of all by not rewarding work and by making public assistance available to more than the neediest.
Many countries have mixed economic system with elements of both capitalism and socialism. In the U.S., predominantly a capitalist system, there are still social programs such as social security and Medicare. In many socialist countries, there are private business firms."
The Difference Between Capitalist and Socialist Economies