I've been going back and forth with your autistic self for the past 24 hours u geek.
Actually you haven't. I shut your shyt down so hard, you went to a whole different subject after I called you out for calling me a "Cac".
You didn't respond back until others hopped in, which has been your M.O. for the past day or so. Want me to go back through the thread? I can do that, if you want.
Let's count all your lies within a 24 hour span:
-AD has been healthy for 2 out of 3 seasons = lie
This is an actual lie, because it is an oversimplification of the point I was making. You stated he was only healthy for a single season. I said he was only hurt for the equivalent of one NBA season and that 2 of those seasons were shortened, one of which started days after a championship run.
Here's the math again, you widdle toddler: 42 games missed in one season + 36 games missed in another season = 78 games missed in 3 years.
There are 82 games in a season. Get it? I know match is hard, but basic addition???
191k followers, 80k on IG, multiple Wiki pages (three, last I counted) and over 43 million views says otherwise
-You said you been lurking on a forum for 10 years and then you say well it's actually 7 years = lie
What I *actually* said was:
Rhakim-- I have lurked for nearly a decade
Notice the *nearly* there? You know, because 7 years is *nearly* a decade?
-Registration closed after 2015 but we have posters from 2016 = lie
Those were special cases, as I later learned from Brook. For the most part, no one got pushed through. I literally have another account (Th3Birdman15) here from 2015 that didn't get approved because "Registration is not currently open at this time".
This is a known quantity.
There are also members that have accounts from 2020-- was registration opened then, too?
You know Brooklyn but he still didn't accept your registration
Bruh, you know how hard it is to get Brooklyn to respond to anything??? Lmao!
Fam, Brook was on his grind doing other things, and I was content with reading the site. You act like I was begging dude to open reg. He and I have just been in contact for a few years, nothing more than that. Stop it