"Vengo de una raza de reyes
Alta jerarquia, en piramide yo batee
Moros de Africa frenan primero aqui
Eso me hace mas cocolo que Jay-Z, empeza verlo asi
"Black Guy" mara, "negro" para
??? si yo cerro Rose con la jarra
orgullosamente prieto, llegale a mi cara
un flor de nacimiento, no hace falta ropa cara
Cuando yo muera, quiero ???? Uganda
Ni la esclavitud pudo detener ta ganga
Yo se porque mi melanina le intimida
Genetica mas fuerte, cultura que domina la avenida"
was actually a dope ass verse, didn't catch all of it due to the accent/slang but the delivery & rhyme scheme was on some real emcee shyt. Way above most spanish rap I heard skill-wise
"I come from a race of kings
from the highest hierarchy, in pyramids I ?
African moors stopped here first
This makes me blacker than Jay-Z, that's how I'm starting to see it
"Black" is what we rep, miss me with "negro"
The pride of being dark skin is all over my face
it represents a blessing, nevermind my expensive clothes
When I die, I want to ???? in Uganda
Slavery/prison can't hold back my gang
I know why my melanin intimidates you
The strongest genetics, and a culture that dominates the avenue"