Bundu mouth open already 
Spence body work is
Haymon lets his fighters get the fights they want from what i can see. Only person I see really ducking Spence is Garcia to be honest. I think the others would eventually take the fight
As I type this he just knocked Bundu out. Can't believe a couple years ago I actually though Jesse Hart was a better prospect
Spence and Tevin Farmer are my two favorite young bols in the sport right now

Spence body work is

Haymon lets his fighters get the fights they want from what i can see. Only person I see really ducking Spence is Garcia to be honest. I think the others would eventually take the fight
As I type this he just knocked Bundu out. Can't believe a couple years ago I actually though Jesse Hart was a better prospect
Spence and Tevin Farmer are my two favorite young bols in the sport right now