And its due to drop precipitously before Month's end. His escalation is crazy. Most people can ignore his foolishness if they live out in the middle of nowhere and haven't lost anything.
Trump is taking it all this go around and doing it fast. Heads will butt this year as if it was the 4th term of a shyt administration. Summer food shortages will make it real clear to them folks.
He's still threatening to impose tarrifs

America gave this bloated retard the mandate to govern with his ego, not brains, advice or legislation but his ego

He has also shown the US main allies in Europe that alliances are flimsy and he won't honor them, so they're ganging up on the US..they're even saying the world needs a new leader.
Isolationism due to false perceived power may seen cute to his retard maga base but most people know the US as they once knew it is all over.