I dunno...religion and ideology seem pretty gotdamn powerful in some parts of the world
I dunno...religion and ideology seem pretty gotdamn powerful in some parts of the world
Think about it this way breh
Do you think If it was discovered that Jesus Christ was indeed a Black Man (or any other race) would your average white majority congregation worship a black Jesus?
Or if Mohammed turned out to be a black man(or any other race) would Arab Muslims (Hell even black Muslims) accept that?
Religions like Christianity preach equality and tolerance but the Christian part of America; the south, is also stereotypicaly portrayed as the most racist.
It's not an argument it is a social construct period.Its apart of who I am i dont agree with the race is a social construct argument there are differences between us
It doesnt define me completely as a person but I am a black man that is how I identify myslef
Does my race define my every day experiences in my normal life?
I am not constantly reminded of my race. Most of the time I am with my family so there is no point in being constantly identifiably black when the social dynamics has no use for it.
Do I feel more conscious as a black woman when I am around a group of non-blacks, especially whites?
Yes, my social and political identity as a black woman becomes more aware and will shape the experiences I have in this society just as being a middle-class white man would.
Just as I would feel more identifiably a woman when I am in a male-dominated area.