JahFocus CS
Get It How You Get It
I don't extol poverty. I don't think poverty is anything to be proud of or to valorize. I don't blame people for trying to gain stability in life. Oh well, blame me for that
Some would ask isn't it up to the individual, family, and/or the society to deem what is worthy of being qualified? if so, then other factors that plays on the individual, family, and society respectively, will grow in importance during the process of qualifying something
Thus why I focused on "honesty, =" because it is applicable to the three entities I just mentioned. And also it is a fundamentally immalleable notion that has two states, yes or no, you are either telling the truth or not. No other factors will affect "honesty"...this is assuming all or most of the info is known about the means
Well, I stated "free" for a reason, maybe the nuance is too slight in an exchange like this.
The presuppositions in the first section of your post are by themselves astounding and leave me with little scope to have reasonable discourse but do highlight a great deal of the hypocrisy and delusion I have already discussed.
I cannot resort to ad hominins in a serious discussion so any assumption on your morality s beyond me. Neither can I presume your culture or indeed the colour of your skin as some deciding factor as to who you are or indeed what type of person you are.
Thank you for taking the time to reply.
I don't extol poverty. I don't think poverty is anything to be proud of or to valorize. I don't blame people for trying to gain stability in life. Oh well, blame me for that
I do not appropriate blame good sir. Your "freedom" to attempt to gain stability on your own terms could make you look "free" to people who live somewhere, even as close as the same continent as your good self to whom that concept is alien.
In a democratic sense I suspect I have more "freedom" than a man my age in North Korea but not as much as a man my age in Sweden.
Racism and class exploitation are social facts and is something experienced on a group level. People don't experience racism because they are John Doe, people aren't exploited workers because they are Jane Doe, but because they belong to a social group or class. That is an inescapable fact because it's how society is structured.
Bingo. That is why I attempted to simplify the assumption as much as possible..."is all/most information known to determine if someone is telling the truth," but just like you said, empirical evidence would be needed by the individual in order to begin the process of qualifying somethingI too agree that the focus on honesty is important. But your last statement shows where it falls down, the assumption, however, great or small has to be made to qualify "honesty" I find it difficult to make the assumption without empirical evidence which on a personal level can be very difficult.
So if the individual, family and or society live dishonestly how can they qualify honesty, and would you believe them anyway?
To this, I am aware, although completely uncomfortable. Hence taking my sister to task over her conservative views on immigration when our father and grandparents are all immigrants, who in some cases fought wars to end a similar strain of hatred they encountered once in the country.
Do you think its purely structural, on an institutional level? Resulting in its near perpetual motion like perfection, once learned even the oppresed will find an outlet for the same behaviour even if it means turning on their own group?