America has too much pride to admit that they were caught off guard on 9/11 so they take credit for the attack to save face.
They spread this "inside job" propaganda because they knew the blind sheep would eat it up.
What benefit does the US Government gain from murdering thousands of rich white people?
They wrote out the whole gameplan years before 9/11 about why they needed a 9/11 type of event to keep America the world super power. They gained from 9/11 about 100 different ways. Look into the project for new american century.
"PNAC's first public act was to release a "Statement of Principles" on June 3, 1997. The statement had 25 signers, including project members and outside supporters (see
Signatories to Statement of Principles). It described the United States as the "world's pre-eminent power," and said that the nation faced a challenge to "shape a new century favorable to American principles and interests." In order to achieve this goal, the statement's signers called for significant increases in defense spending, and for the promotion of "political and economic freedom abroad." It said the United States should strengthen ties with its democratic allies, "challenge regimes hostile to our interests and values," and preserve and extend "an international order friendly to our security, our prosperity, and our principles." Calling for a "Reaganite" policy of "military strength and moral clarity," it concluded that PNAC's principles were necessary "if the United States is to build on the successes of this past century and to ensure our security and our greatness in the next."
In order to achieve the above we needed to take over natural resources (oil, minerals and shyt that goes into our cell phones, destabilize independent countries to put in central banks). On top of that on September 10th Donald Rumsfeld said trillions of dollars went missing and he doesn't know how. The next day the buildings with all the financial records was destroyed. Then you have the patriot act that took away more of our freedom and rights and privacy, the creation of new government agencies we don't need, the justification to increase military budgets, helping Israel look better, I can go on and on and on about how government gained from this. This shyt runs deep and runs on so many different levels. I could write 3 posts worth of shyt to answer your question but most people don't give a shyt anyway.