Does Labeling and Marketing as “Black Owned” Work?


All Star
Jan 14, 2015
So, according to the Zhoa study. Of the 20 cities they studied. Being labeled as "black owned" seemed to hurt businesses in Detroit, New Orleans and Memphis "As for other cities, there were no observable differences between the impact on Black-owned and ownership-unreported restaurants, given that the former’s weekly normalized visit patterns fluctuated within the weekly 10 to 90 percent range of ownership-unreported restaurants’ normalized visit patterns"

I been saying in here that it varies by city.

And this study specifically looks at the "black owned" tag on a white owned platform like yelp and talks about ppl leaving racist comments on them. It doesn't speak to those with their own platforms or black platforms like mysouthernbrand in houston where the comments are highly moderated. Plus, like I said yelps most reviewed restaurant in Houston is one that ain't shy about being black owned but doesn't have the "black owned" tag on the site so it wouldn't get included as "black owned" in the study.

There's a big difference in having a tag on a white owned platform and advertising the culture of the establishment like the breakfast klub does.
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