The bolded are hardly even street level like Punisher and DD. I already mentioned Wildcat and the Question. Birds of Prey would hardly be street level too with characters like Big Barda who is said to be in the same strength class as Wonder Woman. And the Green Arrow family would basically just be a Green Arrow show since for the most part indivual family members besides Green Arrow wouldn't be able to hold their own show. Unlike Tim Drake, Night Wing and Batgirl who would be able to hold their own show.
What? Speedy /Arsenal /red arrow is a great classic character who dealt with issues like drug addiction and handicaps . Are you just trying to defend marvel .
With Marvel you have...
- Daredevil
- Punisher
- Black Widow
- Luke Cage
- Iron Fist
- Hawkeye
- Blade
- Black Cat
- Shang-Chi
- Moon Knight
- Psylocke
- Mystique
- Domino
- Gambit
- Ronin
- X-23
See how many?
Wait wait wait wait wait wait

gtfoh wit. That list . X-23, ronin , gambit, domino ,blade ,black widow, Luke cage , Shang chi ?!?!! You realize you just naming avengers, Spider-Man cast and xcharacters and saying that they are street characters while in the same breath dismissing batman . What is your criteria ?!!! It's all over the place