Does being reincarnated really = eternal life?

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
It's a scientific fact bro, we share atoms with Dinosuars also

All I got from this video is he said we have atoms in our breaths and those atoms remain in the world and we breath in the breaths of everybody who ever came before us:manny:....but I also heard him say for every person on the earth there's at least 10 ghost standing behind them....if he believes in ghost like I believe in ghost that means he believes people stay dead and don't get reincarnated,ain't like there's a shortage of living things these ghost could go into or fit inside of....or are the atoms picky and just wanna go inside babies:childplease:

And some scientific facts are just theories passed off as facts....some smart person said some shyt and nobody smarter was around to give the :childplease: so they ran with it.....later sumbody else smarter comes along and challenges what the first smart dude said and everybodys ":ohhh: we need to rethink this"....if the bible is sumthin givin to sheeps to cling on too,science is sumthin givin to nerds to argue about until the end of time:laff:....I don't believe in no damn big bang or gravity...I believe we here and nobody really knows why,and that where we are (earth) u can fall down if u ain't careful:heh:

Chris Mauro

Jun 17, 2012
All I got from this video is he said we have atoms in our breaths and those atoms remain in the world and we breath in the breaths of everybody who ever came before us:manny:....but I also heard him say for every person on the earth there's at least 10 ghost standing behind them....if he believes in ghost like I believe in ghost that means he believes people stay dead and don't get reincarnated,ain't like there's a shortage of living things these ghost could go into or fit inside of....or are the atoms picky and just wanna go inside babies:childplease:

And some scientific facts are just theories passed off as facts....some smart person said some shyt and nobody smarter was around to give the :childplease: so they ran with it.....later sumbody else smarter comes along and challenges what the first smart dude said and everybodys ":ohhh: we need to rethink this"....if the bible is sumthin givin to sheeps to cling on too,science is sumthin givin to nerds to argue about until the end of time:laff:....I don't believe in no damn big bang or gravity...I believe we here and nobody really knows why,and that where we are (earth) u can fall down if u ain't careful:heh:

This is exactly why you're as ignorant as you are today bruh. You're so stupid that you didn't realize he was speaking metaphorically

Religion was specifically designed for people like you who are unable to use their brains



Mar 18, 2013
All I got from this video is he said we have atoms in our breaths and those atoms remain in the world and we breath in the breaths of everybody who ever came before us:manny:....but I also heard him say for every person on the earth there's at least 10 ghost standing behind them....if he believes in ghost like I believe in ghost that means he believes people stay dead and don't get reincarnated,ain't like there's a shortage of living things these ghost could go into or fit inside of....or are the atoms picky and just wanna go inside babies:childplease:

And some scientific facts are just theories passed off as facts....some smart person said some shyt and nobody smarter was around to give the :childplease: so they ran with it.....later sumbody else smarter comes along and challenges what the first smart dude said and everybodys ":ohhh: we need to rethink this"....if the bible is sumthin givin to sheeps to cling on too,science is sumthin givin to nerds to argue about until the end of time:laff:....I don't believe in no damn big bang or gravity...I believe we here and nobody really knows why,and that where we are (earth) u can fall down if u ain't careful:heh:


u dont believe in gravity breh?



so yea i saw this on FB earlier and went looking for it to post it in here


i believe we are all just borrowed energy and when we die, that energy goes back into the whole of all energies. what we refer to as 'god'. i think its just a big energy that makes everything happen. so yea in essence i believe there is a god, and he created us all, but not in the sense its so widely believed. god is a spark of energy that got it all started. wether it was the big bang or whatever theory science has come up with, it all comes down to a higher power. we are all a piece of that higher power. when we die, the piece goes back (returning to the kingdom of god). n then that energy comes back around into the cycle of life.

could it all be bullshyt? :manny: of course, but this theory is not as ridiculous as some dude just getting bored one day and saying "u kno what, im gonna create people" and then sitting on a cloud passing judgement all day and sending some to hell n some to heaven.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
This is exactly why you're as ignorant as you are today bruh. You're so stupid that you didn't realize he was speaking metaphorically

Religion was specifically designed for people like you who are unable to use their brains


Why the hell would I know he's speaking metaphorically from a short clip when I don't know him from joke for ya nerd azz....he used the word ghost,I don't speak in metaphors its not scientific.

And I'm usin my brain to not believe in everything scientist say,use yours....scientist argue with each other all day about how the old theory is the wrong one and ya dumb azz in here talkin bout "its a scientific fact bro"...scientist ain't even got they "facts" straight and u on they dikk:heh:....people believe in god as crazy as it all sounds on faith,bcuz they need to for whatever reason,or they just want to.....u believe in crazy shyt other people say is true becuz your teacher told you too and becuz sumbody you feel is smarter than you told you it wuz a "fact"....meanwhile they still arguin about gravity,i ain't the only dumb gullible b*stard here on earth:russ:...get in line you dumb too:umad:

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012

u dont believe in gravity breh?



so yea i saw this on FB earlier and went looking for it to post it in here


i believe we are all just borrowed energy and when we die, that energy I goes back into the whole of all energies. what we refer to as 'god'. i think its just a big energy that makes everything happen. so yea in essence i believe there is a god, and he created us all, but not in the sense its so widely believed. god is a spark of energy that got it all started. wether it was the big bang or whatever theory science has come up with, it all comes down to a higher power. we are all a piece of that higher power. when we die, the piece goes back (returning to the kingdom of god). n then that energy comes back around into the cycle of life.

could it all be bullshyt? :manny: of course, but this theory is not as ridiculous as some dude just getting bored one day and saying "u kno what, im gonna create people" and then sitting on a cloud passing judgement all day and sending some to hell n some to heaven.

Nah I don't believe in gravity becuz it seems like its more to it and it could be other explanations....if u can believe in sumthin as complex as the theory u believe what would make u believe gravity is some concrete thing,I believe there's sumthin keepin us from floating away but believe its too much they don't understand about shyt yet to just say this theory dude came up wit a 100 yrs ago is right and they should just stop lookin at other reasons? And if u believe a spark of energy is what kicked all this off where did the spark of energy come from?I don't know if its a scientific theory or not but far as I know u can't get sumthing from nothingness?.....and nobody can explain how u got sumthing from nothing well enuff for me to convince me of a big bang....And I can roll with energy not being able to be destroyed and just taking on a different form but who's to say what form it takes on:manny:...I mean I believe in ghost,don't see why that's not considered a FORM of energy....who's to say it has to go anywhere and can't just sit around chilling as energy/spirit:pachaha:...when stars or planets blow up I don't remember they say it turns into a black hole,maybe the spirit/or energy u speak of is justthe human form of what a black hole is?blackholes pull shyt inside of it,our energy instead can sumtimes walk around the house like we did when we wuz alive....shyt is just to complex but too perfect for me to believe this shyt just came from a spark....its like people randomly bein givin cars and no streets bein made,or stop lights and tellin everybody "okay now go where u need to" and sumhow everything just runs so complex as the human body is,brain activity,the galaxy shyt that we can't control its hard for me to believe this shyt just came from a random spark of energy...just my opinion,respect the theory tho cuz I don't know....its just to me ridiculous is ridiculous and a lot of science seems pulled out of the air too which is why they still constantly argue,all summed up nobody on little bitty old earth can wrap they mind around all this shyt:blessed:...and not sound ridiculous tryin to pass it off as fact


Jun 19, 2012
nikkas don't believe in gravity but they believe that a man built a boat that was big enough to hold two of every animal on the planet? :laff: :laff: :laff:


Mar 18, 2013
Nah I don't believe in gravity becuz it seems like its more to it and it could be other explanations....if u can believe in sumthin as complex as the theory u believe what would make u believe gravity is some concrete thing,I believe there's sumthin keepin us from floating away but believe its too much they don't understand about shyt yet to just say this theory dude came up wit a 100 yrs ago is right and they should just stop lookin at other reasons? And if u believe a spark of energy is what kicked all this off where did the spark of energy come from?I don't know if its a scientific theory or not but far as I know u can't get sumthing from nothingness?.....and nobody can explain how u got sumthing from nothing well enuff for me to convince me of a big bang....And I can roll with energy not being able to be destroyed and just taking on a different form but who's to say what form it takes on:manny:...I mean I believe in ghost,don't see why that's not considered a FORM of energy....who's to say it has to go anywhere and can't just sit around chilling as energy/spirit:pachaha:...when stars or planets blow up I don't remember they say it turns into a black hole,maybe the spirit/or energy u speak of is justthe human form of what a black hole is?blackholes pull shyt inside of it,our energy instead can sumtimes walk around the house like we did when we wuz alive....shyt is just to complex but too perfect for me to believe this shyt just came from a spark....its like people randomly bein givin cars and no streets bein made,or stop lights and tellin everybody "okay now go where u need to" and sumhow everything just runs so complex as the human body is,brain activity,the galaxy shyt that we can't control its hard for me to believe this shyt just came from a random spark of energy...just my opinion,respect the theory tho cuz I don't know....its just to me ridiculous is ridiculous and a lot of science seems pulled out of the air too which is why they still constantly argue,all summed up nobody on little bitty old earth can wrap they mind around all this shyt:blessed:...and not sound ridiculous tryin to pass it off as fact

i dapped u cause i actually understand where u coming from.

scientific facts are still being argued by scientific geniuses to this day. the brightest minds once thought the world was flat.

but the thing is, scientific theories are argued daily, but the arguments are rooted in facts. religion has no facts, its just theories thought up by primitive minds that after so many generations of being shoved down people's throats, have become fact in their minds. to the point that they believe dinosaurs didnt really exist, the world is only 5,000 years old, and all kinds of crazy shyt.


Mar 18, 2013
Nah I don't believe in gravity becuz it seems like its more to it and it could be other explanations....if u can believe in sumthin as complex as the theory u believe what would make u believe gravity is some concrete thing,I believe there's sumthin keepin us from floating away but believe its too much they don't understand about shyt yet to just say this theory dude came up wit a 100 yrs ago is right and they should just stop lookin at other reasons? And if u believe a spark of energy is what kicked all this off where did the spark of energy come from?I don't know if its a scientific theory or not but far as I know u can't get sumthing from nothingness?.....and nobody can explain how u got sumthing from nothing well enuff for me to convince me of a big bang....And I can roll with energy not being able to be destroyed and just taking on a different form but who's to say what form it takes on:manny:...I mean I believe in ghost,don't see why that's not considered a FORM of energy....who's to say it has to go anywhere and can't just sit around chilling as energy/spirit:pachaha:...when stars or planets blow up I don't remember they say it turns into a black hole,maybe the spirit/or energy u speak of is justthe human form of what a black hole is?blackholes pull shyt inside of it,our energy instead can sumtimes walk around the house like we did when we wuz alive....shyt is just to complex but too perfect for me to believe this shyt just came from a spark....its like people randomly bein givin cars and no streets bein made,or stop lights and tellin everybody "okay now go where u need to" and sumhow everything just runs so complex as the human body is,brain activity,the galaxy shyt that we can't control its hard for me to believe this shyt just came from a random spark of energy...just my opinion,respect the theory tho cuz I don't know....its just to me ridiculous is ridiculous and a lot of science seems pulled out of the air too which is why they still constantly argue,all summed up nobody on little bitty old earth can wrap they mind around all this shyt:blessed:...and not sound ridiculous tryin to pass it off as fact

as far as the spark that started it all, i once read something interesting. it said that the human mind is so conditioned in believing in a beginning and an end, that our mind cant possibly conceive of there being no such thing. what if there wasnt a start? what if everything just was, is, and will be? :mindblown: i think that we can do all the research in the world, but the real answer is probably too complicated for our simple human minds to understand.

kinda like teaching a dog to read. a dog can be the smartest animal in the planet, but he will never ever learn to read.

maybe we can reach the top of our mental capacity, but never ever fully grasp the truth of why and how we are here.:lupe:

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
i dapped u cause i actually understand where u coming from.

scientific facts are still being argued by scientific geniuses to this day. the brightest minds once thought the world was flat.

but the thing is, scientific theories are argued daily, but the arguments are rooted in facts. religion has no facts, its just theories thought up by primitive minds that after so many generations of being shoved down people's throats, have become fact in their minds. to the point that they believe dinosaurs didnt really exist, the world is only 5,000 years old, and all kinds of crazy shyt.

I get that,I believe in god in the sense I believe sumbody has to be in charge of this shyt for it to all run so smmoothly and connect the way it does....whether or not everything in the bible is real that's another story....or if man made definitions of things like time are accurate,or stories aren't simply just made up who knows?wouldn't put it past folks.

But I also don't put man made equations,theories on a pedestal like its fact either all the time and a lot of us do....the mind can't grasp what it don't fully understand no matter how primitive or genius:heh:....sum guesses are more educated than others but a guess is still a guess,guesses ain't supposed to be based on faith tho,science is supposed to be based on facts....seems like its just rooted in theorys that got accepted as fact imo,and they just expand on one theory after another as one gets accepted.....sounds like the same argument is the same against religion....made up shyt on top of made up shyt eventually made the bible,and made up shyt on top of made up shyt turned into a science book......well just have to see years from now if those science books look how they do now,I suspect everything we learned will probaly have asterisk and corrections next to it:heh:....but whichever makes people feel better I have no problem with either one and I'm open minded....just due to the ORDER of all things I believe in god and not the randomness of a big I believe all the bible?not really its man made too

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Thread has been derailed

fukk y'all nikkas

My bad:snoop: I thought u kinda answered your own question and yeah u had to be high to come up with that.......if u gotta start over again and your memory is wiped clean I don't consider that eternal life....I guess technically it is if u believe in that but if u ain't on no vampire shyt I don't consider it eternal life....I guess it is ona technicality but it ain't really if u don't know it.....ur games been reset u had to start over,u don't even know who Yoshi is cuz u Sonic now.:heh:


The Legendary Super Sapien.
May 2, 2012
Residual cellular memory....there will always be residue from one form to the next. The ice cube analogy is one that has always worked for me.

Matter = Ice
Astral/etheric = Liquid
Mass consciousness = Vapor

Water is's water vapor in front of your face right now, meaning all water, regardless of the various forms it can take is never really separate. Any liquid/ice form that it takes is just concentrated in that space for that period in linear time.

Aside from the fact that we are mostly water, I feel like human beings go through the same types of transition between form and formlessness in a cycle. Consciousness is the vapor, we as matter are just condensed thoughts/ideas made manifest to examine the complexities of emotion at a level that you couldn't otherwise experience without the tool of the human body.

As matter we are just condensed thought...we slow down and take form long enough to ride all the rides and see the sights, our physical form "melts" or deteriorates and we make our way back through the "liquid" stage back to the source.

When the body drops it's gross form what you're left with is the "liquid" form and fluidity of a consciousness that is still accustomed to the human form, the more you learn, the more you explore the closer you move away from the individual POV. You have never truly been separate from that which you already are.

My bad:snoop: I thought u kinda answered your own question and yeah u had to be high to come up with that.......if u gotta start over again and your memory is wiped clean I don't consider that eternal life....I guess technically it is if u believe in that but if u ain't on no vampire shyt I don't consider it eternal life....I guess it is ona technicality but it ain't really if u don't know it.....ur games been reset u had to start over,u don't even know who Yoshi is cuz u Sonic now.:heh:

Imagine the pressure...and the amount of information you would have to process, if you could consciously access all of that shyt off the bat? You'd fukking explode, and your learning experience in this time and space would be clouded with all kinds of questions that would ultimately distract you.

Things are there for you to discover, for you to reference and apply to the NOW, but you need to know how to fetch them. Science and "religion" or metaphysics used to walk hand in hand, now these two aspects (left/right/male/female) are at war with each other instead of intelligently exploring these things.


Oct 11, 2012

u dont believe in gravity breh?



so yea i saw this on FB earlier and went looking for it to post it in here


i believe we are all just borrowed energy and when we die, that energy goes back into the whole of all energies. what we refer to as 'god'. i think its just a big energy that makes everything happen. so yea in essence i believe there is a god, and he created us all, but not in the sense its so widely believed. god is a spark of energy that got it all started. wether it was the big bang or whatever theory science has come up with, it all comes down to a higher power. we are all a piece of that higher power. when we die, the piece goes back (returning to the kingdom of god). n then that energy comes back around into the cycle of life.

could it all be bullshyt? :manny: of course, but this theory is not as ridiculous as some dude just getting bored one day and saying "u kno what, im gonna create people" and then sitting on a cloud passing judgement all day and sending some to hell n some to heaven.

This is one of the better explanations I have seen. Dap and pos rep