Raven's booker mind combined with heyman, was better than punk
That is the only thing I can give raven over punk.
As it aided raven to have higher quality works, programs and content.
When able to have the ball, and work within the confines of what raven's strengths were.
past that strength as a booker. I can not say raven's workrate was higher.
within the confines of an edgy product raven had better dialogue or material to work with.
Yet, I think if punk was given the same types of quality raven got in ecw and the wcw revisits portions of the ecw angle via the flock.
I believe punk could have a higher quality outing than raven had.
Punk is a student of raven's as well. So I think if given the opportunity and quality of raven's best work.
Punk could outdo raven.
Yet for that to occur is few and far between.
Right now, I am glad I got to just watch both.
As both were/are a welcome addition to my tv.
In a sea of mediocrity, or lower quality.
Art Barr