Does anyone here know their IQ scores?


Sep 9, 2013
I haven’t taken one. But breh, I was in GT, skipped a grade, and have diagnosed ADHD. Being in GT never really meant you were smart IMO, just that you were more prepared and knowledgeable at the moment of certain things. I really don’t think I’m all that smart to be honest with you though. In comparison to some people sure, but in no way, shape, or form am I a genius and can come up with a cure for the common cold. I’m also cripplingly lazy when it comes to academics.

I wouldn’t bank my intelligence or esteem of said intelligence on a test. But do you :yeshrug:.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I know mine, but don't see the point of broadcasting it. MOST of the ways people use IQ are bullshyt.

IQ measures your ability to take tests and reason abstractly in a certain environment. If you've been accustomed to a certain type of abstract school-based reasoning you do much better than someone who hasn't been. That doesn't mean you're actually smarter in anything that matters.

There is a big connection between being smart and having a high IQ score, but you can really only compare two people if they've had the same background and advantages in the particular kinds of thought processes that an IQ test measures. I met a lot of people who had a lot of advantages in life and could score high on an IQ test but who weren't really all that bright. I met other people with none of those advantages who couldn't score worth crap on the IQ test but who actually were brilliant at what they did.

Averages are stupid too - there's so much variation within each group, especially Black people (who have crazy different experiences depending on their background), that just knowing what socially constructed group you are from doesn't tell you at all what your IQ will be.

Past 120-125 or so IQ score probably doesn't make much difference anyway. The very smartest people in the world, those with IQ scores in the 160-180 range, rarely are anyone special. there are a lot of factors besides abstract reasoning ability that play into actually making a difference in this world.
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Roland Coltrane

Aug 17, 2014
it's been known it's flawed and culturally biased by academics for years now

believe a test invented by cacs isn't there to make anyone who isn't them out to be inferior brehs

Plus with IQ steadily increasing in the population over time our grandparents and great grandparents were basically retarded by those standards

there's a really good book called The Mismeasure of Man you should check out


Enjoying a Long Night of Solace✌
Oct 27, 2016
Somewhere on an Xbox
I know mine, but don't see the point of broadcasting it. MOST of the ways people use IQ are bullshyt.

IQ measures your ability to take tests and reason abstractly in a certain environment. If you've been accustomed to a certain type of abstract school-based reasoning you do much better than someone who hasn't been. That doesn't mean you're actually smarter in anything that matters.

There is a big connection between being smart and having a high IQ score, but you can really only compare two people if they've had the same background and advantages in the particular kinds of thought processes that an IQ test measures. I met a lot of people who had a lot of advantages in life and could score high on an IQ test but who weren't really all that bright. I met other people with none of those advantages who couldn't score worth crap on the IQ test but who actually were brilliant at what they did.

Averages are stupid too - there's so much variation within each group, especially Black people (who have crazy different experiences depending on their background), that just knowing what socially constructed group you are from doesn't tell you at all what your IQ will be.

Past 120-125 or so IQ score probably doesn't make much difference anyway. The very smartest people in the world, those with IQ scores in the 160-180 range, rarely are anyone special. there are a lot of factors besides abstract reasoning ability that play into actually making a difference in this world.

If anyone really wants to know my score number in this sequence:

0, 2, 8, 24, 64, ....?

don't post the answer
Just googled the answer. That's the first "guest the next number in the sequence" problem I've seen like that.

Edit: The answer is so simple:mjlol:. I feel dumb now:snoop:

2nd Edit: I didn't even know that you could find a number in a sequence using that method.

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
No. Not a current one at least. I don't need the self esteem issues

I took one online when I was a teenager and it was like 127 or something. Also I took one with some person who came to my elementary school when I was like in 3rd grade and I don't remember a score but I think they gave me the information in a way a little kid could understand and said my performance was equivalent to a 8th grader.

When I was in 3rd grade, I think they specifically came to test me at school because I also had emotional and behavioral problems but my teachers liked me since I was relatively the smartest in the class. Heard the words "You're smart if only if you.." *change some behavioral trait at school* a ton from elementary to middle school. They tested me I think to see if they can diagnose me with something because it wasn't just the IQ test but I was interviewed various days over like a 3 week period.

I mean I think I'm above average but I really don't have any need to know a number and god forbid it's lower than I'd like. Then I'd have to deal with knowing that information. Ignorance is bliss.
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