I decided to tune in having not watched in years. I started at the 9th Doctor and watched through the Smith era.
I was looking forward to this, the 10th Doctor and Donna Noble were great. Seeing them onscreen together was a treat. Their chemistry was still there.
I was looking forward to this, the 10th Doctor and Donna Noble were great. Seeing them onscreen together was a treat. Their chemistry was still there.
The Meep was hilarious and they pulled off the twist. You knew something was off, but I didn't see the absolute heel turn coming. I also liked the subversion of the generic "evil bug-like aliens" pursuing the Meep, but where did they come from? I didn't see a ship. I guess they teleported. It's also heartening to know we'll get to see a few Wilf scenes. 
The politics and agenda were far too heavy handed. A quick Google shows Dr. Who has apparently been "woke" for some time. The wheelchar bound woman seemed like a checkbox, but I liked the 007 Q style wheelchair, and it makes sense that UNIT would have access to tech like that. We get it, trans people exist and the Doctor's regeneration mechanic can be seen as a trans allegory, but....
The joke about assuming the Meeps gender was ok. It's an alien, we don't know its gender. Donna avoiding death by spreading the vortex power to her child makes sense, but Rose's gender identity being the key to accessing their DoctorDonna powers was groan inducing in its preachiness. I guess we have another River Song. Additionally, I wasn't a big fan of Yasmine's acting. She just didn't have a lot of personality and felt wooden. I'm going to keep watching, but if it stays this open with the agenda, I'm tuning out.
Edit: Just saw that Captain Jack isn't going to show. That sucks.

The politics and agenda were far too heavy handed. A quick Google shows Dr. Who has apparently been "woke" for some time. The wheelchar bound woman seemed like a checkbox, but I liked the 007 Q style wheelchair, and it makes sense that UNIT would have access to tech like that. We get it, trans people exist and the Doctor's regeneration mechanic can be seen as a trans allegory, but....

Edit: Just saw that Captain Jack isn't going to show. That sucks.
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