Kubrick's worst film
absolutely, Dude was a Son husband to a married single mom allowed to do whatever the fukk he wanted.With young cac males completely gone off the reservation from being disillusioned and everything under the state's control
They have them walking around doped up as it stands now.It was a weird concept, and yet i could see the government trying to Lobotomize criminals
Dude made it kinda ridiclous to prove a point.All I saw was 1960’s cacs running around screaming. Maybe I missed something.
No. Anything normalizing the psych of sociopaths is demonic.Is it as good as Eyes Wide Shut?
Good point. This movie reminded me of some of the nıggas I grew up with in Brownsville. I've seen some wild shıt in my personal life.When it comes to these type of movies about it dystopian future, I always ask myself where is or what does Africa look like in all of this. Whether it's the book 1984 or this movie, Terminator or anything else. What are so-called black people basically doing and why can't we go there for refuge?