Do You Need To Know How To Fight To Be A Bouncer?

May 6, 2012
The Last of the Outlaws
If a bouncer throws a punch or assaults you the club becomes liable. No place is going to tell you to fight anyone. all you're allowed to do is grab and drag or wrestle to the ground....You just have to be intimidating enough that most people wont want to fight you. You should have other bouncers around so you should never have a 1on1 situation anyway.

but don't think everyone will go without a fight or be scared of you and on the other hand don't think everyone needs to be manhandled either.

Yep. Being a good talker/ able to fake an empathetic ear is almost of more value than size and is up there with fighting ability. Had the size and ability to handle myself but being able to talk was where I made good $$$. Reputable bar owners move you up quicker because you're an asset, bar patrons seem to remember it when you "do them a favor" by talking them out instead of putting hands on them.

Drunk angry folks usually just want to be heard out by someone, especially when they know their wrong and wanna save face. .. Let em save face. I always approached palms facing (non threatening but hands are up in case they try me) and said "walk with me, talk with me" worked about 90% of the time when I did it. I'd get them to walk with me to the door, listen for a sec and send them on their way.

Hopefully you don't work with a bunch of scared cats, the spots I worked at we rarely responded to an issue in the building alone. Don't do that, don't be superman. Have back up before you approach an escalated situation, you don't want a bottle to the back of the head or to end up on the bottom of a pile because you wanted to be a badass.

May 2, 2012
A friend of mine used to be a into a couple shoot outs. I remember his FB timeline used to have R.I.P. like every other week cause other bouncer friends he knew were getting killed.

If I were you, I would find another profession, unless you are looking to be a bouncer in a very soft area.


Aka Allhiphopsux
May 30, 2012
#717 --> #215 #PA #ByrdGang
i've worked in clubs for years not as a bouncer tho' but several times i've had to jump in...i remember this one time a melee broke out tables knocked over i end up grabbing this dude from the back in a sleeper type hold and this other bouncer comes out of nowhere and just destroys his whole grill i had to lay him down gently ...

same club has multiple suits pending even today from fights so it was no joke...

id hate to be a bouncer tho' cause if you get into these fights and one day your out dolo or with your girl or something and someone u K.O'd is with his peeps and sees you what? lol

but most bouncers i knew didn't really know how to fight while others were mma dudes and ive seen them in action fold cats like lawn chairs

Action Jackson

Can I live
Jul 27, 2012
i've worked in clubs for years not as a bouncer tho' but several times i've had to jump in...i remember this one time a melee broke out tables knocked over i end up grabbing this dude from the back in a sleeper type hold and this other bouncer comes out of nowhere and just destroys his whole grill i had to lay him down gently ...

same club has multiple suits pending even today from fights so it was no joke...

id hate to be a bouncer tho' cause if you get into these fights and one day your out dolo or with your girl or something and someone u K.O'd is with his peeps and sees you what? lol

but most bouncers i knew didn't really know how to fight while others were mma dudes and ive seen them in action fold cats like lawn chairs

Honestly that's the worst part. I can't go anywhere without getting mean mugged or someone trying shyt. People take shyt too personal when its just your job to you. I can't let my guard down no matter where I go. Monday night I took this chic out to see great gatsby, we walk in the theater and I take her to the top. She said wow I haven't sat all the way at the top since I was 16. I told her your jokes are funny but since we walked in late I can't afford to have some one behind me. Later that night we went to get a drink as we are walking into a bar could the shamrock. Outside there's a group of guys standing around trying to sell anything from stolen laptops to crack. One of the guys I've kicked out of a bar for trying to sell. As I walk up I hear him say hey you work at the college bar. I said what and approached him. I don't care how many of them there are never let them think youre scared. He repeated himself but took a few steps back. Then I said, yea you remember me. He just nodded his head. He was standing there with three of his boys and not one of them had shyt else to say. As soon as I walk in there's another guy who just tried to square up with me a few months ago.

But I don't want it to seem all bad because no matter where I go people know me. They all want to say what's up and shyt. Makes you look like the shyt when you take a girl out but I can never let my guard down.


Aka Allhiphopsux
May 30, 2012
#717 --> #215 #PA #ByrdGang
Honestly that's the worst part. I can't go anywhere without getting mean mugged or someone trying shyt. People take shyt too personal when its just your job to you. I can't let my guard down no matter where I go. Monday night I took this chic out to see great gatsby, we walk in the theater and I take her to the top. She said wow I haven't sat all the way at the top since I was 16. I told her your jokes are funny but since we walked in late I can't afford to have some one behind me. Later that night we went to get a drink as we are walking into a bar could the shamrock. Outside there's a group of guys standing around trying to sell anything from stolen laptops to crack. One of the guys I've kicked out of a bar for trying to sell. As I walk up I hear him say hey you work at the college bar. I said what and approached him. I don't care how many of them there are never let them think youre scared. He repeated himself but took a few steps back. Then I said, yea you remember me. He just nodded his head. He was standing there with three of his boys and not one of them had shyt else to say. As soon as I walk in there's another guy who just tried to square up with me a few months ago.

But I don't want it to seem all bad because no matter where I go people know me. They all want to say what's up and shyt. Makes you look like the shyt when you take a girl out but I can never let my guard down.

sounds like your in the mob or a kingpin always have to watch your back :lupe:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Ya'll are right in that talking to patrons first and foremost is the best policy. It's those hothead bouncers that love putting the beats on people that eventually have cats waiting outside until the club closes with pistols. Never been a bouncer, but I already know that you got to be careful how you get down.

Mac Casper

@adonnis - pull up, there's refreshments
Jul 24, 2012
Once I got kicked out of a club and the bouncer wouldn't let me get back in to get my jacket and he said something disrespectful so I beat him up and took his jacket :manny:

Action Jackson

Can I live
Jul 27, 2012
sounds like your in the mob or a kingpin always have to watch your back :lupe:

Ha yea. When I first started bouncing the guy who trained me said working in the bar scene you're treated like a local celebrity. People see you out they buy you your meal, your drinks, they wanna talk to you, be your best friend.. But then there's the other side of it and its exactly how you explained it.


All Star
May 5, 2012
Birmingham, AL
I used to work as a bouncer at a club about an hour outside of Birmingham with my cousin. I only got into one incident and it wasn't that bad. I could usually talk down the situation or keep everything in check. Since we was from out of town we didn't have to watch our backs as much as someone that stayed in town. I gave everyone respect and in return they respected me.


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
bouncers are always big, burly motherfukkers but do they actually have to know how to fight to get the job?

like it that part of the job description? or do you just have to look intimidating? :dwillhuh:

thinking about taking a job as a bouncer but I can't fight for shyt :unsure:
Depends on the establishment.
People who get into trouble and want to fight are usually drunk. Not always. Fighting drunks is a bit easier beacuse they aren't sober. If they know how to fight, your odds of winning goes down.
So if you are large but don't know how to fight, you just use your size to bash them down if you don't know how to fight.

If you are not large, you want fighting smarts to take on people of different sizes, large and small. So if you don't know how to fight, you can get in trouble, as in injured badly.

Sounds like you should get a different job instead of bouncer, just for your health, breh.

Mac Casper

@adonnis - pull up, there's refreshments
Jul 24, 2012
Bogey_j seems to be questioning my validity, I welcome his challenge :youngsabo: