Do you guys still watch 80s-mid 90s WWF


May 8, 2012
I watch it and enjoy a lot of it... I don't really watch it for workrate though. There's only certain guys you can watch for that, and even then it depends on who they're going against. A lot of it is still entertaining tho', because most of the guys on the roster were over to some degree, and crowds stayed into the show. Granted, I can't sit thru a Hacksaw/Dino Bravo match like I might've been able to back in '88... but something like a Royal Rumble has damn near no workrate and is still fun to watch because of how the match is done. The only thing about the older Manias is that a number of the matches had no storyline behind them and no big moment involved, but I can still watch them unless they're just offensively bad.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
There was nuffin, in the wwf seeing the nwa.
After you turned the channel.
That first time and discovered magnum Ta....the real hogun
Then, watched him be a better hogun.
To then take the locker room horsemen beatdown.
Where arn or ole knocks down the lighting rig.
To introduce the first real villains on tv.
Life was never the same.
You never knew heroes did not win,...
Or better yet,..
The bad guys win in despicable convincing fashion.
I still remember the first time nwa came on channel 66, wgbo at 11pm on Saturday.
After that,...fukk a wwf and hulk hogun.
Clashes were shytting on mania, period.
Then when the uwf merged, fukkin over.

Best of three rnr vs me mainevents > bulldogs/harts

Rnr vs me mainevents , on freetv > every wwf main event at the time easy

Only good thing about the wwf was your parents were still marks.
So, you got to see adults be actually excited for snme.
Other than that though,...nwa was and still is the best wrasslin you would have got to see on regular tv.

Not to mention,....
Duhtay getting beatdown, and tied with that skinny fisherman rope.
After numerous horsemen sonnings of all the top nwa faces like systematic clockwork.
To finally see duhtay sasche and win the belt from flair.
On the replay of the title match on regular tv,....
Best markout moment for singles title win as a kid watching wrasslin ever.

Yeah, macho/savage was crack,...
Yet, that tag match to setup steamboat versus flair.
Then, the first episode waiting on getting the tape for the steamboat flair match.
When steamboat came out with the belt,....
Nuffin was a better :blessed: moment than seeing flair finally lose, again.

Flair was making lil nikkas cry at 12midnight as a shawty.
Even hogun's cracked ribs by wack fatman heel was nowhere near the new moments.

Every nwa heel manager > brain and mouth of the south

Paul ellering > Lou albano

Jim Ross in uwf > bruno/body/heenan
Then Jim Ross finally coming to nwa,....:blessed:

Art Barr

First time seeing a real steelcage match in the nwa > wwf blue bar bullshyt
After most kids who loved hogun saw this.
Even they stopped fronting, too

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
There was nobody in the NwA, AWA, or Mid South that was better than Savage year to year in the 80s. LOD was drawing big in the south but do I go back and watch their matches with some kind of desire? Not really. I like watching classic feuds, great moments, and historically fun matches. I didn't watch WM 7 LIVE when it happened and saw the Warrior/Savage match like maybe TWICE before the Macho Man DVD came out. So there is stuff like that to go over....I don't rewatch all the Halloween Havocs or Great American Bashes....unless it had a poignant match of significance that I kind of forgot the structure of how it went down. But when you see it, you instantly remember the angles and certain promos from that timeframe.

The only stuff I really like from the New Generation era of the WWF was Razor Ramon, Tatanka's original push, and Undertaker.

Savage was not fukking with flair and the horsemen.
The only good quality tv opponent match savage had of note.
Was against steamboat, as a challenger.
Yeah,... Savage was a mean sadistic motherfukker.
That literally I and every kid I knew was scared shytless of.
Yet, real talk,.......
Only reason why savage had impact on steamboat.
Is finally the wwf had a real fukking angle.
On no day was that one occurrence.
On the level of flair and the horsemen consistently beating down your real heroes with no regard.
Savage beating steamboat was a story of savage knowing he could not best steamboat.
Which, de-evolved into him taking the length with the bell.
Flair and the horsemen were snatching your soul away every episode without fail.
Savage portrayed a weakness in the ringbell incident to steamboat.
In the flair versus whomever in the me era.
Flair was not getting beat or losing,...
It was much much different.

Like literally,...
One week, they beatdown Ta.
Next week, flair keeps the belt in racist angle finish.
The week after,....horsemen beatdown duhtay.
Every week horsemen were damaging kids psyche's.
Nwa was the real circumstances of life type shyt.
No fairytale, unless the deck got stacked against the horsemen.
Well after they ran completely roughshod over the entire credible contingent of faces in the new.

Flair and them was spike piledriving and jumping off the second turnbuckle with dudes legs in steel chairs.
Wwf had nowhere near the level of disdain hatred fear and realism of the nwa.
Wwf was nowhere near that disturbing as a child.

Wwf was not competition for nwa quality wise.
Only reason we watched wwf more.
Was Vince bought up all the tv slots out of his territory to destroy the system.
Yet, and still wwf was nowhere near the nwa.
If nwa could have had a Saturday morning timeslot originally.
When, Vince bought up all the time nationwide.
Coupled with rocky III, and eye of the tiger being the holy grail of child anthems.
On top of hogun, with a face mr t.
Nobody would have just given wwf the crown that easy.
Vince knew what he was doing strategically with the tv situation.
He knew he had to strike first as the gateway to the common household.

Believe me,...
If nwa would have been on at 11am Saturday.
After rocky III was out.
It would not have just been hogun in the limelight.

Vince knew the connection of kids seeing hogun with the wwf belt after rocky iii dropped.
Vince was on time than a motherfukker with that.

Art Barr