nikka you said the only way to manipulate stupid people is to be a c00n and that's just false.So you don’t have the answer then. You can’t be a grown ass man and say someone is wrong if you have no clue what the answer is.
Shut up and listen
Leadership skills teach you the best way to handle "dumb" people is to make them feel like they aren't dumb, you don't have to "c00n" to do that, you fix your tone and delivery when speaking to them.
That's in any basic leadership manual and we saw Obama do it all the time.
All that poster said was there are WAY more ways to manipulate people and we see them all around us on a daily basis, plenty of proof available oyf you care to look into how marketing works on us.
the Dem party is inept at hell when it comes to connecting with people, the idea that they can't win unless they c00n or do other nonsense is false, these are just old stubborn people making mistakes/suck at marketing.
Telling people they're stupid doesn't make them want to be smart, it makes them want to fukk over whatever plans you had if it's in their power to do so.