After much thinking on this, I've come to the conclusion, that men being more logical is...illogical.
Men are more definitive in what we do, be it a illogical choice or a smart one. Once we choose to go with something we go with it...(unless it women for some reason
) You can depend on a man being more stable when approaching them consistently because we aren't as hormonal as women and usually not as vindictive or petty with smaller disagreements.
It gives off the image that men are more logical but we are just more direct and loyal to a cause than more most women. When you can find a woman that can talk to you about whatever and doesn't feel threaten when not having a man all up under them its really refreshing.
Now when it comes to a man falling in love, all gloves are off. Men handle love totally crazy because we love hard and have to keep a image up. Its really conflicting and literally makes us crazy.