I don't see the problem here...if they're all okay with it, then I don't see the problem.
I don't see the problem here...if they're all okay with it, then I don't see the problem.
I am in agreement...
The "consenting adults" argument pretty much justifies all types of perverted fukkery....
why would I give a shyt enough to even find myself in a conversation where i am pontificating why they are wrong for doing THAT?
serious question
(1) I was a university student taking a sociology class when the debate about gay marriage led to all the changes in the Canadian law...My professor who was a lesbian brought up the topic, I thought as a professor, she was being VERY biased in supporting same sex marriage, instead of taking a more objective stance...Being the person that I am, I challenged her...
She did like my challenge...She tried to say that "oh, I know you are going to talk about bestiality, necrophilia and paedophilia, but in those situations there is an issue with consent, a dead body, under age child and animal can't give consent"
Then I asked her "what if 20 adult gay men or women consented to intermarry with each other?"...She quickly brushed off the subject, I didn't want to embarrass her, so I dropped it...
(2) People are different...Some people don't really think about existence and the meaning of these social rules that we are just making up as we go along...They are just happy following tradition and social norms...
Some people can't help but to think about all the hypocrisy in human society...
(3) Just to expand...I DON'T believe in "right or wrong" "good or evil"...Gay marriage is NOT wrong, group marriage (polygamy) is NOT wrong, sex with a girl who has had her first period or a boy who has had his first ejaculation is NOT wrong...
In the grand scale of the universe, NO action is right/wrong or good/evil...
Actions have consequences, and to determine whether an act was right/wrong and/or good/evil, one will have to know the FINAL consequence of that action, but that's IMPOSSIBLE for any human to do because we only to about 80 years, and time keeps pushing forward...Therefore, we ultimately can never know if any act was good/evil or right/wrong, because we can never know the final consequence of that act...
However, in the small scale of human society, I understand the need for law/religion to keep people within the boundaries of what the majority deem socially acceptable...
In conclusion,
I am a thinker with multiple perspectives...I don't allow myself to think in terms of right/wrong or good/evil...Consequently, I have a critical open-mind about people and their behaviours...