They're both living organism, just like us. Please articulate your reasons for why you believe they do or do not possess souls.
Plants react when plants around them are *killed* by human beings.
no. no brain. no blood. no heart. no consciousness. no self-awareness. no.
Yes Plants and trees definitly have souls spirits whatever you choose to call it..if you have a tree in your yard make a confession to it,talk to it say wassuphug it...but dont let anyone see you cuz they will think your nuts....and we are connected to animals thru our primal instincts. ...study up on it....have an open mind and you will Cee
They're both living organism, just like us. Please articulate your reasons for why you believe they do or do not possess souls.
Define what you mean by soul - and I don't mean by humming 8-bars of what soul means to you* - and then, maybe, the discussion can flourish.