either way we overpaid with slavery and Jim Crow
Not sure if anyone is gonna read this or keep arguing about if half black counts as black or not but here goes:
The Atlantic did went through the records a few years ago and came up with how much America owed blacks for slavery.
Prevailing wage x number of slaves x years in slavery + accrued interest = about two billion dollars. That was the economic loss to the black American community had they been paid for the labor performed during slavery. This doesn't take into account how much slaves COULD have earned in a free society by becoming higher wage earners and I don't think it took into account the cost of passage across the Atlantic Ocean. During the later years of slavery, shipping costs decreased which is why indentured servitude (how lots of poor white folks found their way over) fell out of style. Instead of getting 6 or 7 years of labor out of a passage, it fell to 2 or 3.
Something that is never examined: economic impact on Africa. You take a significant percentage of the working population of any country or region, at any time, and you'd have a significant impact on that areas development. Look at the black plague for example. If you also exploit and export the resources of a region, that inhibits development as well.
Dude's points are easy to take apart. He doesn't recognize the difference in the institution of American chattel slavery vs other types, doesn't understand the concept of externalities, and doesn't recognize the incredible benefit the West gained through black labor.
My psychic skills tell me he hasn't taken a college level history course and hasn't taken a look at the mirror since his fat ass is claiming to be my genetic superior. These people wanna be thanked for "pulling the knife out six inches" as Malcolm X would call it.