Django Unchained.....Trailer #2


Grams Grands Gucci G'd Up
May 1, 2012
Critics' Review of Quentin Tarantino's DJANGO UNCHAINED

Rotten Tomatoes: 100% Approval Rating (20 out of 20 critics liked it)

Django Unchained - Rotten Tomatoes


Entertainment Weekly - B-
DiCaprio, having a blast, makes Candie the equivalent of Waltz's Nazi in Inglourious Basterds: a racist villain who mesmerizes us by elevating his ideology into a puckishly thought-out vision of the world. Yet Django isn't nearly the film that Inglourious was. It's less clever, and it doesn't have enough major characters — or enough of Tarantino's trademark structural ingenuity — to earn its two-hour-and-45-minute running time. - 8/10
Much has been made of DiCaprio's performance in the film and he does not disappoint, flying between suave and crazed with equal vigor. The performances across the board are high, with Foxx and Waltz enjoying great on screen chemistry. Tarantino definitely has a point to make about slavery, and it is there, but it is well hidden behind a stout curtain of fun, which is ultimately what you'll get from Django Unchained.

Hollywood Reporter - Good
Applying the episodic format and visual template of classic and spaghetti Westerns to a revenge saga, the film makes a point of pushing the savagery of slavery to the forefront but does so in a way that rather amazingly dovetails with the heightened historical, stylistic and comic sensibilities at play. The anecdotal, odyssey-like structure of this long, talky saga could be considered indulgent, but Tarantino injects the weighty material with so many jocular, startling and unexpected touches that it’s constantly stimulating.

TIME Magazine - Good
A pastiche that’s nearly as funny as it is long (2hr. 45min.), and quite as politically troubling as it may be liberating, Django Unchained is pure, if not great, Tarantino. Django Unchained may not reach the delirious heights of Pulp Fiction; its climactic crimson orgasms lack the emotional gravity of the fatal tilts in Kill Bill. But it’s undeniably, gloriously Tarantino: all talk and all action.

Time Out New York - 4/5
Vibrating with the geekery of a filmmaker off the chain, the movie plays like no other this year. Tarantino, steeped in even the smallest Leonean gesture, knows how to satisfy fans of scuzzy Italian horse operas and badass superviolence in equal measure. The movie loses its slipperiest speechifiers a bit too soon—Foxx, more of a symbolic presence, is the weak link—but while the conversation rages, you can’t help but gasp at Tarantino’s emancipation proclamation.

IGN Movies - 9.4/10
There are many instantly quotable lines and funny bits. Django Unchained is designed as a crowd-pleaser and it most certainly delivers on that promise, offering up plenty moments of over-the-top gunslinger violence and humor. Quentin Tarantino doesn't shy away from the horrors of slavery in Django Unchained even as he delivers a weird, wild, and bloody violent crowd-pleaser in this raucous salute to the spaghetti western.

HitFlix - A
"Django Unchained" is "Blazing Saddles" with a body count, a positively incendiary entertainment about America's greatest shame, the personal and social toll of slavery, and like Tarantino's last film, "Inglourious Basterds," this is a case of history being remixed in a way that makes more emotional sense to Tarantino as a storyteller. Tarantino's voice is one of the true treasures of modern movies, with "Django" simply the latest entry in one of the most interesting filmographies today.

indieWIRE - B
Tarantino is hampered by strange choices, setting an admittedly first-rate soundtrack of western ditties and hip-hop to useless slo-mo montages while the mounting suspense between Candy and his two visitors rings hollow. A prolonged dinner scene wastes time with little payoff and the explosive finale arrives with hardly much surprise. This one overstays its welcome, but not before the filmmaker reminds us why we love him.

Boxoffice Magazine - 5/5
Django Unchained is a sharp shock of a film in an Awards season very full of movies so noble they become immobile. It's wildly unlikely to get much love from the Academy, and that's fine-bluntly, it's too good for them. With its bloody stew of history and hysteria, action taken from movies and atrocities taken from fact, Django isn't just a movie only America could make—it's also a movie only America needs to.

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