Air Nikes N Hats
Poor mans Johnny Football Lifestyle!
If my shyt is trash and your not hating, why are you on all my posts hatting?
Really if its sucks, you wouldnt waste your time on me. So you are a loser, if you had anything good going for you, you wouldnt hate on anyone else so its obvious you got nothing good going for yourself and thats why you hate.
I underswtood how you feel about my music 2 years ago its hating when you keep telling me you dont like my music on every thread for the past 2 years.
SO wake up and smell the coffee, its people like you that makes me feel like im doinn soemthing right, cuz if i wasnt, no one would spend so much time talki9ng to me. I feel like your my bi tch!
LOL@ the response.....looks like you caught a river lol.