Disputed 1619 project was CORRECT, Slavery WAS key to US Revolution; Gerald Horne proved in 2014


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
bruh they write about Aaron Briggs like he was some lovable character :mindblown:

How can he be an American hero if he also was used as a witness by the British?!? :mindblown: And then used by Reverend John Allen as motivation for independence because they were mad slaves were being used as witnesses in court :mindblown: :gucci:

The Bridge --- Spring/Summer 2011, vol 38 num 1


This is INSANE






The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

According to Horne, it was the Gaspee Affair which directly lead to the creation of the Continental Congress. It was the Americans who were pissed that an African could testify against them. Briggs convicted John Brown!



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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Look at all this evidence. They were scared shytless of slave uprisings and revolts. They HAD to break with Britain :ohhh:

  • Abigail Adams: "I have sometimes been ready to think that the passion for Liberty cannot be Eaquelly Strong in the Breasts of those who have been accustomed to deprive their fellow Creatures of theirs..."
  • Jill Lepore: 'Their slaves, though, fought a different fight. “It is imagined our Governor has been tampering with the Slaves & that he has it in contemplation to make great Use of them in case of a civil war,” young James Madison reported from Virginia to his friend William 1/
  • Bradford in Philadelphia. Lord Dunmore, the royal governor of Virginia, intended to offer freedom to slaves who would join the British army. “To say the truth, that is the only part in which this colony is vulnerable,” Madison admitted, “and if we should be subdued, we shall 2/
  • fall like Achilles by the hand of one that knows that secret.” But the colonists’ vulnerability to slave rebellion, that Achilles’ heel, was hardly a secret: it defined them. Madison’s own grandfather, Ambrose Madison, who’d first settled Montpelier, had been murdered by 3/
  • slaves in 1732, apparently poisoned to death, when he was thirty-six. In Madison’s county, slaves had been convicted of poisoning their masters again in 1737 and 1746: in the first case, the convicted man was decapitated, his head placed atop a pole outside the courthouse 4/
  • “to deter others from doing the Like”; in the second, a woman named Eve was burned alive.65 Their bodies were made into monuments. No estate was without this Achilles’ heel. George Washington’s slaves had been running away at least since 1760. At least forty-seven of them 5/
  • fled at one time or another.66 In 1763, a twenty-three-year-old man born in Gambia became Washington’s property; Washington named him Harry and sent him to work draining a marsh known as the Great Dismal Swamp. In 1771, Harry Washington managed to escape, only to be 6/
  • recaptured. In November 1775, he was grooming his master’s horses in the stables at Mount Vernon when Lord Dunmore made the announcement that Madison had feared: he offered freedom to any slaves who would join His Majesty’s troops in suppressing the American rebellion. In 7/
  • Cambridge, where George Washington was assembling the Continental army, he received a report about the slaves at Mount Vernon. “There is not a man of them but would leave us if they believed they could make their escape,” Washington’s cousin reported that winter, adding, 8/
  • “Liberty is sweet.” Harry Washington bided his time, but he would soon join the five hundred men who ran from their owners and joined Dunmore’s forces, a number that included a man named Ralph, who ran away from Patrick Henry, and eight of the twenty-seven people owned by 9/
  • Peyton Randolph, who had served as president of the First Continental Congress. Edward Rutledge, a member of South Carolina’s delegation to the Continental Congress, said that Dunmore’s declaration did “more effectually work an eternal separation between Great Britain and 10/
  • the Colonies—than any other expedient which could possibly have been thought of.”70 Not the taxes and the tea, not the shots at Lexington and Concord, not the siege of Boston; rather, it was this act, Dunmore’s offer of freedom to slaves, that tipped the scales in favor of 11/
  • American independence.... “All men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity,” read the Virginia Declaration of Rights and 12/
  • Form of Government, drafted in May 1776 by brazen George Mason.... Mason’s original draft hadn’t included the clause about rights being acquired by men “when they enter into a state of society”; these words were added after members of the convention worried that the 13/
  • original would “have the effect of abolishing” slavery. If all men belonging to civil society are free and equal, how can slavery be possible? It must be, Virginia’s convention answered, that Africans do not belong to civil society, having never left a state of nature.... 14/

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