Copyright is literally the government stating they have and you the copyright holder have power over private property that I own. I buy paper, I pay for printing, I pay for publishing and distribution but you can now claim ownership over my property and what I do with it because you soneo how have a right to an idea, ue something intangible. This is no different than a patent, you claim you have ownership of a idea which allows you under the guide of government intrusion to steal my physical private property and take ownership of it away from meExplain that last bit. Copyrights and patents are a registration system and still owned by the creator.
There has never been a legal basis for that that satisfies the basic concepts of the common law that created our legal system
You simply can not own a idea as it's not possible to, and the only thing you can own is your owned, physically, execution of said idea, the actual product
This never existed until the British made it to curry favor from the elites to grant themselves government privilege and artificial profit and protection from competition.