Dishonored 2 OT

Maxine Shaw

#ColiFam gave more $ 2 my students than my school
Jan 10, 2014
Brooklyn, N.Y.
I constantly checked my stats throughout the missions after that happened to me on a level.

Keep in mind if one of the bad guys kills one of their own that counts as a kill on your side! I noticed they have to problem killing their own. :why:

You gotta be really careful

I swear I check my stats more than I play the game! And my finger STAYS on Quick Save/Quick Load. I had this agonizing moment when I had a bunch of guards in an elevator (The Good Doctor).
When I was on the top of the building in order to shoot out the elevator cables to get access to the basement, I forgot that all the guards were still in the elevator. Two sleeping guards are now seven dead guards. "Maybe they survived the No, they did not.
And because I kept overwriting my saves, I had to go back - I shyt you not - half an hour to do it all again. But that's better than going back nine hours and four missions!!!

One funny thing happened:
I got credit for saving the snitch from the guards at the Wall of Light...only for him to stumble back and get evaporated by the Wall of Light. I tried it twice, but I guess breh was suicidal.

I'm glad I didn't sell my Dishonored Definitive Edition code like I was originally going to. Those additional 500 coins can make or break you in the beginning.
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Doctor Doom

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama
Sep 30, 2013
This Clockwork mansion :damn: Running around like crazy avoiding these robots :sadcam: Is there a way to not kill them?

Shoot the glass ceiling above the room where you first pull the lever.

Jindosh doesn't get alerted as long as you don't pull the lever. Can go through without raising alarm once as you go through maintenance tunnels and shyt.

Doctor Doom

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama
Sep 30, 2013
:win:Yeah I did that trophy after I knew how to navigate. Shyt only took me 5 min :jawalrus:

Now these fukking witches :sadcam:

Goes from hardest mission to easiest. At most, you'll come across two active guards leading up to bedroom, a roving clockwork soldier in Jindosh's lab, and another one protecting Sokolov.

Maxine Shaw

#ColiFam gave more $ 2 my students than my school
Jan 10, 2014
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Another piece of advice for Clockwork Mansion: shoot one of the Soldiers in the head w/a crossbolt and he'll murk Jindosh for you. (Don't do this if you're going for Clean Hands.)

For Clean Hands: I shot Jindosh w/a stinging bolt to make him flee the Soldiers, then choked him out. Takes timing, but as long as your Blink is on point (not sure about Far Reach), you should be able to execute it pretty quickly.

Edit: if you ever want to redo a mission, make a save at the beginning of the mission when you first start. A clunky suggestion, but better than nothing.

(Just took out Brianna Ashworth - PHEW!!! Clean Hands/Ghost/Shadow still intact, but boy, oh boy, is it getting harder and harder to do.)
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May 1, 2012
This game isn't fun when playing it 100% stealthily. You gotta mix it up like the last game.

and yo whats really good with this PS1 quality voice acting? It's really subtracting from the overall experience. It's bad enough to drop this from a strong 9 to a solid 8.

Maxine Shaw

#ColiFam gave more $ 2 my students than my school
Jan 10, 2014
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Just finished mission 8. I didn't accomplish jack shyt in that mission, I was so desperate to finish. No paintings, no runes, no blueprints...just fukk THIS shyt I'M OUT. Still on my S/G/CH going into this final mission! DEATH (or not) TO THE EMPRESS!!!

Meagan Foster is Billie Lurk, huh?
This really pissed me off.
Why couldn't we have more than one black female character in this series? Not to mention if Daud killed her off in The Knife of Dunwall, how the hell does she pop up here?

Say, did any of you spare any of the bosses? In my lethal playthrough (spoilers for missions 3-9)
I can't bring myself to kill Dr. Hypatia, and not just b/c she brings eight bottles of Addermire Solution onboard, either. I truly believe that Hypatia was a victim of circumstance. I also spared Meagan/Billie because I believe she has paid her debt to society and is genuinely remorseful, and I spare Sololov b/c WTF would I kill him for? Dude's a boss.
Everybody else dies, including
both Paolo AND the Vice-Overseer, as well as Mindy Blanchard cuz fukk the Howlers. I also killed Aramis Stilton to put him out of his misery. I killed the Duke, but didn't kill the body double (didn't see the point).


May 21, 2012
Just finished mission 8. I didn't accomplish jack shyt in that mission, I was so desperate to finish. No paintings, no runes, no blueprints...just fukk THIS shyt I'M OUT. Still on my S/G/CH going into this final mission! DEATH (or not) TO THE EMPRESS!!!

Meagan Foster is Billie Lurk, huh?
This really pissed me off.
Why couldn't we have more than one black female character in this series? Not to mention if Daud killed her off in The Knife of Dunwall, how the hell does she pop up here?

Say, did any of you spare any of the bosses? In my lethal playthrough (spoilers for missions 3-9)
I can't bring myself to kill Dr. Hypatia, and not just b/c she brings eight bottles of Addermire Solution onboard, either. I truly believe that Hypatia was a victim of circumstance. I also spared Meagan/Billie because I believe she has paid her debt to society and is genuinely remorseful, and I spare Sololov b/c WTF would I kill him for? Dude's a boss.
Everybody else dies, including
both Paolo AND the Vice-Overseer, as well as Mindy Blanchard cuz fukk the Howlers. I also killed Aramis Stilton to put him out of his misery. I killed the Duke, but didn't kill the body double (didn't see the point).
If you spare the boss in the time travel level, Megan
will grow back her arm and have her eye back and will never mention Duad. It this mission with the mansion and time travel. I can't remember which level...sorry

Maxine Shaw

#ColiFam gave more $ 2 my students than my school
Jan 10, 2014
Brooklyn, N.Y.
If you spare the boss in the time travel level, Megan
will grow back her arm and have her eye back and will never mention Duad. It this mission with the mansion and time travel. I can't remember which level...sorry

A Crack in the Slab.


To clarify for the brehs:
I believe you have to spare Stilton in the past world. I saved him in the current world, and nothing happened w/Meagan.
I was already in mission 9 when I found that out, so there was no way in HELL I was about to go back and redo all of mission 8 (The Grand Palace).

So! Finally finished the game. Got that Clean Hands/Shadow run, so I'm happy. But I'm so embarrassed that the end took two hours, so here's a tip for anyone who wants to end Delilah quickly. Somebody better get this biiiiiitch...

You do NOT have to deal with any of Delilah's doppelgangers. Delilah is directly above your head as soon as you come out of the painting. Make a right when you come out, then go up and up and up the mountain. The Delilah that is on the throne is a fake Delilah.
fukking bastids.

I can't believe I got hit a little in the feels at the end.

- Emily back on the throne (obviously)
- Corvo by her side (I think - mine was low chaos; I assume it's the same w/high)
- Delilah
in her own little fake-ass fantasy world.
I thought that was clever.
- Sokolov
still Soko-lovin' (he's got hoes in different area codes, apparently.)
- Meagan
back to the dark side? WHAAAAAAT? Should I have murked the bytch after all? I swear, I felt betrayed. I spared that cycloped crip and everything, and this is what she does in return? She couldn't come back to Dunwall and be Emily's mommy? We could've been your family, Meg-llie!!!
(Shaddup, brehs.)

Now I get to go back to my High Chaos playthrough. I don't care what anybody says, HC is so much more difficult. (How do y'all play through with all these fukking guards!?!?!?!) I do agree that no New Game Plus is a pain in the ass. Who wants to regain all this shyt from scratch? But yoooooo...Greater Devouring Swarm is the GOAT power. Listen to secrets, kill accordingly, and watch the bodies turn to ash. Soooooo addictive. If I had played on high in the beginning, I would've never finished the game.
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May 21, 2012
A Crack in the Slab.


To clarify for the brehs:
I believe you have to spare Stilton in the past world. I saved him in the current world, and nothing happened w/Meagan.
I was already in mission 9 when I found that out, so there was no way in HELL I was about to go back and redo all of mission 8 (The Grand Palace).

So! Finally finished the game. Got that Clean Hands/Shadow run, so I'm happy. But I'm so embarrassed that the end took two hours, so here's a tip for anyone who wants to end Delilah quickly. Somebody better get this biiiiiitch...

You do NOT have to deal with any of Delilah's doppelgangers. Delilah is directly above your head as soon as you come out of the painting. Make a right when you come out, then go up and up and up the mountain. The Delilah that is on the throne is a fake Delilah.
fukking bastids.

I can't believe I got hit a little in the feels at the end.

- Emily back on the throne (obviously)
- Corvo by her side (I think - mine was low chaos; I assume it's the same w/high)
- Delilah
in her own little fake-ass fantasy world.
I thought that was clever.
- Sokolov
still Soko-lovin' (he's got hoes in different area codes, apparently.)
- Meagan
back to the dark side? WHAAAAAAT? Should I have murked the bytch after all? I swear, I felt betrayed. I spared that cycloped crip and everything, and this is what she does in return? She couldn't come back to Dunwall and be Emily's mommy? We could've been your family, Meg-llie!!!
(Shaddup, brehs.)

Now I get to go back to my High Chaos playthrough. I don't care what anybody says, HC is so much more difficult. (How do y'all play through with all these fukking guards!?!?!?!) I do agree that no New Game Plus is a pain in the ass. Who wants to regain all this shyt from scratch? But yoooooo...Greater Devouring Swarm is the GOAT power. Listen to secrets, kill accordingly, and watch the bodies turn to ash. Soooooo addictive. If I had played on high in the beginning, I would've never finished the game.
I thought high chaos was much easier. I beat the whole game in a night after work with Corvo, high chaos. Just kill everything :demonic:

I didn't go for all the runes, just went for as many as I needed (which were easy to find because it was 2nd play through).

The later levels were hard though, I'll give you that.
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Maxine Shaw

#ColiFam gave more $ 2 my students than my school
Jan 10, 2014
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Im in that mission right now

Which one? Mission 7 (A Crack in the Slab) or 8 (The Grand Palace)?

I thought high chaos was much easier. I beat the whole game in a night after work with Corvo, high chaos. Just kill everything :demonic:

Breh. I can't kill a DAMN thing. Bullets flying all over the place. I keep hitting that stupid spyglass. And I'm always shooting my pistol! Next thing I know, I got six guards and two Overseers in my ass.

I concentrate on all the Runes - it was the bonecharms I didn't care about. I think at the end of my first playthrough, I had 42 charms and still only had five damn slots.